AD Manager Plus 7122 – Remote Code Execution (RCE)

  • 作者: Chan Nyein Wai
    日期: 2023-04-01
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: AD Manager Plus 7122 - Remote Code Execution (RCE)
    # Exploit Author: Chan Nyein Wai & Thura Moe Myint
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: Ad Manager Plus Before 7122
    # Tested on: Windows
    # CVE : CVE-2021-44228
    # Github Repo:
    ### Description
    In the summer of 2022, I have been doing security engagement on Synack
    Red Team in the collaboration with my good friend (Thura Moe Myint).
    At that time, Log4j was already widespread on the internet. Manage
    Engine had already patched the Ad Manager Plus to prevent it from
    being affected by the Log4j vulnerability. They had mentioned that
    Log4j was not affected by Ad Manager Plus. However, we determined that
    the Ad Manager Plus was running on our target and managed to exploit
    the Log4j vulnerability.
    ### Exploitation
    First, Let’s make a login request usingproxy.
    Inject the following payload in the ```methodToCall``` parameter in
    the `````` request.
    Then you will get the dns callback with username in your burp collabrator.
    ### Notes
    When we initially reported this vulnerability to Synack, we only
    managed to get a DNS callback and our report was marked as LDAP
    injection. However, we attempted to gain full RCE on the host but were
    not successful. Later, we discovered that Ad Manager Plus was running
    on another target, so we tried to get full RCE on that target. We
    realized that there was a firewall and an anti-virus running on the
    machine, so most of our payloads wouldn't work. After spending a
    considerable amount of time , we eventually managed tobypass the
    firewall and anti-virus, and achieve full RCE.
    ### Conclusion
    We had already informed Zoho about the log4j vulnerability, and even
    after it was fixed, they decided to reward us with a bonus bounty for
    our report.
    ### Mitigation
    Updating to a version of Ad Manager Plus higher than 7122 should
    resolve the issue.