Open Journal Systems (OJS) 2.3.6 – Multiple Script Arbitrary File Upload

  • 作者: High-Tech Bridge
    日期: 2012-03-21
  • 类别:
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    Open Journal Systems is prone to following multiple vulnerabilities because the software fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied input:
    1. An arbitrary-file-deletion vulnerability
    2. A security vulnerability
    3. An arbitrary-file-upload vulnerability
    4. Multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
    An attacker may leverage these issues to execute arbitrary script code, upload arbitrary files, and execute arbitrary code with administrative privileges. These issues may allow the attacker to steal cookie-based authentication credentials and launch other attacks.
    Open Journal Systems 2.3.6 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected. 
    Malicious registered user shall start a new Submission:[journal]/author/submit/1
    on the second step of the Submission:[journal]/author/submit/2?articleId=14
    the user should upload test.pHp, test.asp, test.cgi, test.php3 or test.html file. The uploaded file will be available on the following URL:[journalid]/articles/[articleid]/submission/original/[newfilename]
    The original file name will be changed, however it will be displayed to the user after upload (for example "16-28-1-SM.pHp"). File extension will remain the same.