Comodo GeekBuddy < 4.18.121 - Local Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: Jeremy Brown
    日期: 2015-05-20
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Comodo GeekBuddy Local Privilege Escalation (CVE-2014-7872)
    Jeremy Brown [jbrown3264/gmail]
    Comodo GeekBuddy, which is bundled with Comodo Anti-Virus, Comodo Firewall
    and Comodo Internet Security, runs a passwordless, background VNC server
    and listens for incoming connections. This can allow for at least local
    privilege escalation on several platforms. It also may be remotely
    exploitable via CSRF-like attacks utilizing a modified web-based VNC client
    (eg. a Java VNC client).
    1) Install GeekBuddy (either standalone or bundled with the aforementioned
    2) Administrator (or other user) logs into the system so the VNC server
    will be started
    3) Start another login to the system (eg. target OS is Windows Server)
    4) Connect to the VNC server on localhost to assume the Admin session
    Comodo says they have fix this vulnerability with the v4.18.121 release in
    October 2014