Sudo 1.8.14 (RHEL 5/6/7 / Ubuntu) – ‘Sudoedit’ Unauthorized Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: daniel svartman
    日期: 2015-07-28
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: sudo -e - a.k.a. sudoedit -unauthorized privilege escalation
    # Date: 07-23-2015
    # Exploit Author: Daniel Svartman
    # Version: Sudo <=1.8.14
    # Tested on: RHEL 5/6/7 and Ubuntu (all versions)
    # CVE: CVE-2015-5602.
    I found a security bug in sudo (checked in the latest versions of sudo
    running on RHEL and ubuntu) when a user is granted with root access to
    modify a particular file that could be located in a subset of directories.
    It seems that sudoedit does not check the full path if a wildcard is used
    twice (e.g. /home/*/*/file.txt), allowing a malicious user to replace the
    file.txt real file with a symbolic link to a different location (e.g.
    I was able to perform such redirect and retrieve the data from the
    /etc/shadow file.
    In order for you to replicate this, you should configure the following line
    in your /etc/sudoers file:
    <user_to_grant_priv> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: sudoedit /home/*/*/test.txt
    Then, logged as that user, create a subdirectory within its home folder
    (e.g. /home/<user_to_grant_priv>/newdir) and later create a symbolic link
    inside the new folder named test.txt pointing to /etc/shadow.
    When you run sudoedit /home/<user_to_grant_priv>/newdir/test.txt you will
    be allowed to access the /etc/shadow even if have not been granted with
    such access in the sudoers file.
    I checked this against fixed directories and files (not using a wildcard)
    and it does work with symbolic links created under the /home folder.