FTP Commander 8.02 – Overwrite (SEH)

  • 作者: Un_N0n
    日期: 2015-08-18
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37810/
  • ********************************************************************************************
    # Exploit Title: FTP Commander 'Costum Command' SEH Over-Write(Buffer Overflow).
    # Date: 8/17/2015
    # Exploit Author: Un_N0n
    # Software Vendor : http://www.internet-soft.com/
    # Software Link: http://www.internet-soft.com/ftpcomm.htm
    # Version: 8.02
    # Tested on: Windows 7 x32(32 BIT)
    [Steps to Produce the Crash]:
    1- open 'ftpcomm.exe'.
    2- Goto FTP - Server > Costum Command.
    3- Below the SERVER LIST a input-box will appear, enter the contents of the crash.txt into it, then press Do it!.
    4- Software will crash saying 'Access Violation at address XXXXXXXX......'.
    This is basic SEH Over-write, i have tried to make a working exploit on WIN 7 x32 but no luck since this-
    program does not have its own DLLs and using Windows DLLs is not a good idea b/c SAFESEH, have tried
    other techniques but the final exploit seems to be un-stable.
    [Code to produce crash.txt]: 
    junk = "A"*6000
    file = open("crash.txt",'w')
    The following details are for those who would like to develop a working exploit for this software:
    OFFSET: 4112 + BBBB[NSEH] + CCCC[SEH] ...
    Hint: ~You can try loading the address from outside the address range of loaded modules.~ ;)