Flash – Uninitialized Stack Variable MPD Parsing Memory Corruption

  • 作者: bilou
    日期: 2015-08-19
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37845/
  • Source: https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=316&can=1&q=label%3AProduct-Flash%20modified-after%3A2015%2F8%2F17&sort=id
    [Tracking for: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=472201]
    Credit is to bilou, working with the Chromium Vulnerability Rewards Program.
    Loading a weird MPD file can corrupt flash player's memory.
    Chrome version 41.0.2272.101, Flash
    Operating System: Win 7 x64 SP1
    I'm ripping most of this from scarybeasts' sources. I'm sure he's ok with that =D.
    "To reproduce, host the attached SWF and other files on a web server (e.g. localhost) and load it like this:"
    "To compile the .as file, I had to use special flags to flex:"
    "mxmlc -target-player 14.0 -swf-version 25 -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries ./PlayManifest.as"
    "(This also requires that you have v14.0 of playerglobals.swc installed. Any newer version should also be fine.)"
    On Win7 x64 sp1 with Chrome 32 bit, crash like this:
    6AA8B67C | 8B C3| mov eax,ebx |
    6AA8B67E | E8 A1 05 00 00 | call pepflashplayer.6AA8BC24|
    6AA8B683 | EB A8| jmp pepflashplayer.6AA8B62D |
    6AA8B685 | 89 88 D0 00 00 00| mov dword ptr ds:[eax+D0],ecx |// crash here, eax points somewhere in pepflashplayer.dll
    6AA8B68B | 8B 88 88 00 00 00| mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+88] |
    6AA8B691 | 33 D2| xor edx,edx |
    6AA8B693 | 3B CA| cmp ecx,edx |
    6AA8B695 | 74 07| je pepflashplayer.6AA8B69E|
    6AA8B697 | 39 11| cmp dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx|
    6AA8B699 | 0F 95 C1 | setne cl|
    At first sight this looks to be an uninitialized stack variable but I might be wrong.
    Proof of Concept: