The following access violation was observed in the Adobe Flash Player plugin:
(1dec.1af0): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.Defaulted to export symbols for FlashPlayer.exe -
eax=00006261 ebx=00001501 ecx=010ae1e4 edx=00006262 esi=0736dda0 edi=05a860d0
eip=0044ae55 esp=010ae170 ebp=010ae564 iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz ac pe cy
cs=0023ss=002bds=002bes=002bfs=0053gs=002b efl=00210297
0044ae55 803c3000cmp byte ptr [eax+esi],0 ds:002b:07374001=??
0:000> !address esi
Base Address: 06e60000
End Address:07374000
Region Size:00514000
State:00001000 MEM_COMMIT
Protect:00000004 PAGE_READWRITE
Type: 00020000 MEM_PRIVATE
Allocation Base:06e60000
Allocation Protect: 00000001 PAGE_NOACCESS
0:000> db esi
0736dda08e 56 fa 1b 00 13 e3 85-00 0c 54 72 65 62 75 63.V........Trebuc
0736ddb068 65 74 20 4d 53 3e 00-7e 00 80 00 9f 00 21 01het MS>.~.....!.
0736ddc04c 01 76 01 85 01 97 01-e9 01 02 02 40 02 9a 02L.v.........@...
0736ddd0c4 02 1d 03 49 03 d8 03-26 04 4f 04 b5 04 fd 04....I...&.O.....
0736dde01d 05 39 05 90 05 b1 05-e2 05 f6 05 22 06 40 06..9.........".@.
0736ddf097 06 da 06 2d 07 94 07-ac 07 d8 07 02 08 21 08....-.........!.
0736de003f 08 af 08 fb 08 40 09-92 09 e2 09 1c 0a c9 0a?.....@.........
0736de1000 0b 35 0b 5b 0b 77 0b-cd 0b 04 0c 52 0c 9d 0c..5.[.w.....R...
- Reliably reproduces with latest Adobe Flash Player Projector for Windows and Google Chrome for Windows.
- The out-of-bounds read appears to be caused by an overly large index value (stored in the "EAX" register at the time of the crash) relative to a dynamically allocated buffer pointed to by "ESI".
- The memory under "ESI" contains a section of the input file starting at offset 0x50dda0.
- Attached samples: signal_sigsegv_7ffff6d8a235_3103_51dea5ced16249520f1fa0a7a63d7b36 (crashing file), 51dea5ced16249520f1fa0a7a63d7b36 (original file). The total difference between the two files is 19 bytes.
Proof of Concept: