Netgear Voice Gateway – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Karn Ganeshen
    日期: 2015-10-13
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: [Netgear Voice Gateway Multiple Vulnerabilities]
    # Date: May 01, 2015 [No response from Vendor]
    # Discovered by: Karn Ganeshen
    # Vendor Homepage: []
    # Version: [Firmware Version: V2.3.0.23_2.3.23]
    *Netgear Voice Gateway Multiple Vulnerabilities *
    *Device Info *
    Device Type: Netgear Voice Gateway EVG2000
    Account Name: EVG2000
    Firmware Version: V2.3.0.23_2.3.23
    *1. Web application vulnerabilities OS Command Injection *
    Netgear Voice Gateway EVG2000 is managed through a web management portal.
    The application provides a Diagnostics feature that has four (4) options:
    a.Ping an IP address
    b.Perform a DNS Lookup
    c.Display the Routing Table
    d.Reboot the Router
    Option 1 Ping an IP address was confirmed to be vulnerable to OS Command
    The ping_IPAddr parameter does not sufficiently validate input. It is
    possible to use the semi-colon character (;) to inject arbitrary OS
    commands and retrieve the output in the application's responses.
    *HTTP POST Request*
    POST /ping.cgi HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: blah
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US
    Authorization: Basic <b64_value_here>
    Content-Length: 69
    *HTTP Response*
    root:<redacted_hash>:0:0:Linux User,,,:/root/:/bin/sh
    *2. Web application vulnerabilities Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) *
    In the Services menu, the Service Table lists any existing Service-Port
    mappings. A new service can be added with a payload value of
    *<script>alert(xss)</script>* in the ServiceType parameter.
    The application does not check any malicious input and accepted this new
    entry. The JavaScript input was then returned unmodified in a subsequent
    request for the Services Table Entries.
    The web application lacks strict input validation and hence is vulnerable
    to Stored Cross-Site Scripting attack.
    *3. Application does not secure configured passwords (HTTP) *
    Any & all configured sensitive information such as passwords & keys are not
    secured properly. These are masked and only ***** is shown in the
    corresponding fields.
    This client-side restriction can easily be bypassed though. It is possible
    to capture masked values via ‘Inspect Element’ and / or via an intercepting
    The application should mask/censure (*****) the passwords, keys and any
    other crucial pieces of configuration and must not pass the values in