PROLiNK H5004NK ADSL Wireless Modem – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Karn Ganeshen
    日期: 2015-10-15
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: [PROLiNK H5004NK ADSL Wireless Modem Multiple
    # Discovered by: Karn Ganeshen
    # Reported on: [October 13, 2015]
    # Vendor Response: [No process to handle vuln reports]
    # Vendor Homepage: []
    # Version Affected: [Firmware version R76S Slt 4WNE1 6.1R]
    **Vulnerability Details**
    *1. Default, weak passwords for http and ftp services *
    a. *HTTP accounts*
    - admin/password
    - user/user
    - guest/XXXXairocon
    <V N="FLAG" V="0x0"/>
    <V N="USERNAME" V="admin"/>
    <V N="PASSWORD" V="password"/>
    <V N="BACKDOOR" V="0x0"/>
    <V N="PRIORITY" V="0x2"/>
    <V N="FLAG" V="0x0"/>
    <V N="USERNAME" V="user"/>
    <V N="PASSWORD" V="user"/>
    <V N="BACKDOOR" V="0x0"/>
    <V N="PRIORITY" V="0x0"/> </chain>
    <V N="FLAG" V="0x0"/>
    <V N="USERNAME" V="guest"/>
    <V N="PASSWORD" V="XXXXairocon"/>
    <V N="BACKDOOR" V="0x1"/>
    <V N="PRIORITY" V="0x1"/> </chain>
    *XXXX -> last four digits of MAC address *
    b. *FTP accounts*
    - admin/admin
    - useradmin/useradmin
    - user/user
    <chain N="FTP_SERVER">
    <V N="ENABLE" V="0x1"/>
    <V N="USERNAME" V="admin"/>
    <V N="PASSWORD" V="admin"/>
    <V N="PORT" V="0x15"/>
    <V N="USERRIGHT" V="0x3"/>
    <V N="INSTNUM" V="0x1"/> </chain>
    <chain N="FTP_SERVER">
    <V N="ENABLE" V="0x1"/>
    <V N="USERNAME" V="useradmin"/>
    <V N="PASSWORD" V="useradmin"/>
    <V N="PORT" V="0x15"/>
    <V N="USERRIGHT" V="0x2"/>
    <V N="INSTNUM" V="0x2"/> </chain>
    <chain N="FTP_SERVER">
    <V N="ENABLE" V="0x1"/>
    <V N="USERNAME" V="user"/>
    <V N="PASSWORD" V="user"/>
    <V N="PORT" V="0x15"/>
    <V N="USERRIGHT" V="0x1"/>
    <V N="INSTNUM" V="0x3"/> </chain>
    2. *Backdoor accounts*
    The device comes configured with privileged, backdoor account.
    For HTTP, 'guest' with attribute <V N="BACKDOOR" V="0x1"/>, is the backdoor
    account. This is seen in the config file:
    <V N="FLAG" V="0x0"/>
    <V N="USERNAME" V="guest"/>
    <V N="PASSWORD" V="XXXXairocon"/>
    <V N="BACKDOOR" V="0x1"/>
    <V N="PRIORITY" V="0x1"/>
    This user is not shown / visible in the user list when logged in as admin
    (privileged user).
    3. *No CSRF protection*
    There is no CSRF token set in any of the forms / pages.
    It is possible to silently execute HTTP requests if the user is logged in.
    4. *Weak RBAC controls *
    5a) *A non-admin user (user) can create and delete any other users,
    including root-privileged accounts. *
    There are three users:
    admin:password -> priv 2 is super user account with full functional access
    user:user -> priv 0 -> can access only some functions (user)
    guest:XXXXairocon -> privileged backdoor login
    *Normally: *
    - user can create new account with restricted user privs only.
    - user can change its password and only other non-admin users.
    - user can delete any other non-admin users.
    However, the application does not enforce strict rbac and it is possible
    for a non-admin user to create a new account with admin privileges.
    This is done as follows:
    1. Start creating a new user, and intercepting the user creation POST
    2. Intercept & Change privilege parameter value from 0 (user) to 2 (admin)
    - Submit request
    3. When the new admin user is created successfully, it does not show up in
    user list
    4. Confirm via logging in as new admin, and / or configured accounts in
    configuration file (config.img)
    This is the POST request to create a new user:
    *Create user http request*:
    POST /form2userconfig.cgi HTTP/1.1
    Host: <IP>
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    DNT: 1
    Referer: http://<IP>/userconfig.htm?v=
    Cookie: SessionID=
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 115
    *Note1*: In some cases, this password change function is not accessible to
    'user' via GUI. But we can still send a POST request to create a valid, new
    higher privileged account.
    *Note2*: In some cases, application does not create admin priv user, in the
    first attempt. However, in the 2nd or 3rd attempt, new user is created
    without any issue.
    *Delete user http request:*
    A non-admin user can delete any configured user(s) including privileged
    users (admin).
    POST /form2userconfig.cgi HTTP/1.1
    Host: <ip>
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    DNT: 1
    Referer: http://<IP>/userconfig.htm
    Cookie: SessionID=
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 131
    In case (non-admin) user is deleting the admin login (priv 2), action
    status can be confirmed by checking the configuration.
    In case (non-admin) user is deleting another user login (priv 0), action
    status can be confirmed by checking the user list.
    5b) *(non-admin priv) User can access unauthorized functions.*
    Normally, 'user' does not have access to all the functionality of the
    device. It has access to Status, Setup and Maintenance.
    However, few functions can still be accessed by calling them directly. For
    example, to access the mac filtering configuration this url can be opened
    Other functions may also be accessible in this manner.
    6. *Sensitive information not secured from low privileged users *
    A non-admin privileged user has access to download the configuration file
    - config.img.
    This file contains clear-text passwords, keys and other sensitive
    information which can be used to gain privileged access.
    7. *Sensitive information accessible in clear-text*
    Sensitive Information like passwords and keys are not secured properly.
    Mostly these are either shown in clear-text or cen censored *****, it is
    possible to view clear-text values by 'Inspect Element' locally or
    intercepting http requests, or sniffing.
    Best Regards,
    Karn Ganeshen