* CVE: CVE-2016-3943
* Vendor: Panda Security
* Reported by: Kyriakos Economou
* Date of Release: 05/04/2016
* Affected Products: Multiple
* Affected Version: Panda Endpoint Administration Agent < v7.50.00
* Fixed Version: Panda Endpoint Administration Agent v7.50.00
Panda Endpoint Administration Agent v7.30.2 allows a local attacker to elevate his privileges from any account type (Guest included) and execute code as SYSTEM, thus completely compromising the affected host.
Affected Products:
Any Panda Security For Business products for Windows using this Agent service are vulnerable.
Technical Details:
Upon installing some Panda Security for Business products for Windows, such as Panda Endpoint Protection/Plus, a service named as 'Panda Endpoint Administration Agent' is installed in the host. This service runsunder the SYSTEM account. However, due to weak ACLs set to the installation directory ("C:\Program Files\Panda Security\WaAgent") of this application and its subdirectories, any user can modify or overwrite any executable module (dynamic link libraries and executables) installed in those directories.
A local attacker can elevate his privileges from any user account and execute code as SYSTEM.
Disclosure Log:
Vendor Contacted: 12/01/2016
Public Disclosure: 05/04/2016
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Kyriakos Economou
Vulnerability Researcher